'No' means 'no'", but only if you're a guy.

Jun 05, 2006 06:44

Tonight, I saw yet another paid advertisement claiming that all parents should be regularly lecturing their sons about not hitting girls/women. This lecture is on TV, in schools and almost everywhere but movies and music.

Years ago, I learned that men in the USA pretty much all know "No means no.". They know the phrase well, even the ones which don't respect it. People are still being taught to keep quiet after they're beaten and that it's ok to hit men. Near as I can tell women are taught neither to use the word 'no' nor to respect it's use, except in a safe environment. Kinda the opposite of when they need it most.

We've created a society where beatings are unexpected and unreported, except in TX where it's unreported. I single out TX because it's the only state where I know more than one friend of mine was physically abused by her 'partner'. For each of NY, CA and MA, I only know one.

Why should I expect any more than what I see? Most people have never heard of any differences between men and women, outside of what shows up on TV "X/Y chromizome", "societal", "reproduction", "adams apple" and random "statistics/polls". Grrrr, my spelling is horrible.

A dozen home made cookies to the first two people in the US to post a difference between the male/female genders which is not obviously in one of those five catagories. Not a social difference. Not a variation of XX vs XY. Having no direct involvement in reproduction. No credit for mentioning the adams apple. No credit for statistics.

Yes, I want to encourage people to be informed and vocal, even if I have to bribe them with cookies. I'm limitiing it to the US to avoid any freaky import/export issues and keep shipping cheap. Oh, and this is only for the month of June 2006.
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