*I like love FMA, among various other anime/manga. *I don't have much to spam about. XP When I update, it usually has a point. *I've seen you around various FMA comms. *Please, I'm oh-so nice! XD
I'm always up for new friends, and you seem pretty cool. So, I friend? :D -Emi
My AnimeSpiral username is 'Annamae Tezuka'. However, due to the fact that HALF OF MY FREAKIN STORIES ARE MISSING (it looks like everything that people updated/posted from the day AnimeSpiral was up again and on is GONE!) don't judge my crummy writing by the four stories there (besides, one's just a rant). *hopes AnimeSpiral fixes ths problem soon too -_-*
This comment is actually not about friending; if it results in friending, hey, I'm not complaining! I was actually wondering if you knew how great your icon is? The oops one. I saw it on some comment list and fell in love with it. Could I please, please, please use it? I'll credit back to you, if you wish. ~Camudekyu
Really, I had a smaller version of that picture... But even so, it definitely shouldnt be blurry. In fact, the bigger the picture was, the clearer it should be XD; Did you use Paint, or something like Photoshop?
Comments 127
*I like love FMA, among various other anime/manga.
*I don't have much to spam about. XP When I update, it usually has a point.
*I've seen you around various FMA comms.
*Please, I'm oh-so nice! XD
I'm always up for new friends, and you seem pretty cool. So, I friend? :D
1. Love FMA <3
2. Write fanfics (I found ur LJ in your user profile on AnimeSpiral xD)
Oh, and I'm not that rude. As long as you aren't my mortal enemy (and your not), I'm pretty polite.
Hope we can be friends! ^_^
However, due to the fact that HALF OF MY FREAKIN STORIES ARE MISSING (it looks like everything that people updated/posted from the day AnimeSpiral was up again and on is GONE!) don't judge my crummy writing by the four stories there (besides, one's just a rant). *hopes AnimeSpiral fixes ths problem soon too -_-*
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