Title: Movie Rule 63
Author: Rosella
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: I suppose it could always be much worse.
Prompt: Genderbent Kyouya Hibari / Hayato Gokudera: Movie Date
Word count: Fair length
It was Friday night, the ticket booths were overflowing with faceless herbivores and to be late on their account was unacceptable. The gleam of silver caught the attention of the teenager beside the ready to charge prefect and a heavily bracelet hand shot out; a reflex now to stop the other immediately. “You had me pick you up one hour before the movie, don’t make a scene.” The collected voice whispered, but was quickly met with a strike to the arm; as expected. “You don’t have the authority to tell me what to do,” the deadly tone hissed, but feeling better to at least have had the chance to hit one grass eater, the raven-haired teen replaced her weapons.
Minutes ticked by and the concession stand lines were taking seconds longer than a certain Namimori resident would have allowed. Lips setting into a frown, pale fingers twitched aiming to reach for the cool metal before jeweled fingers put a stop to such an action. “It won’t be long now, stop being so fucking impatient.” This was quickly met with a hard yank to the straight silver strands of the Italian beside her, arms crossing over a small bosom afterward, “swearing is against the rules.” The other easily stomped on the bubble of laughter that dangerously wanted out due to the childish pout the prefect was portraying.
The tray of snacks balanced precariously atop their drinks as she climbed the stairs after the slender Japanese teenager. Unfortunately, Hayako was unable to stop Kyouka from literally kicking a couple out of two particular seats and instead watched as the strangers ran out of the theater room. “There was an easier way to get them to move, you know.” She sighed, taking her seat to the left and placing their drinks in the available cup holders. “My way is easy,” Kyouka replied, giving Gokudera a straightforward glance.
Previews of movies soon to come out were always boring so Hayako nibbled away at seasoned popcorn, loudly slurping her beverage as her foot tapped away at the sticky floor. Hibari on the other hand, enjoyed the sneak peeks and wasn’t about to let the other interrupt, “Gokudera Hayako, stop or I will bite you to death.” The sticky noise ceased followed by a drawn out sigh. When the room finally darkened, everyone fell silent in wait for the opening credits. Her date sat straight, excitement more than evident by the body language that the Italian couldn’t help but smile.
Beginning, middle and end. Usually Gokudera was able to get through an entire movie without so much as a wandering thought, but this time was different. She wasn’t alone and the riding skirt on Kyouka was soon becoming distracting. Her accessorized hand slide over the seat divider to touch the revealed sliver of pale skin, fingers a tease away before a fist connects with her jaw. “Keep your hands to yourself,” the prefect warned while adjusting her skirt, never once did her eyes leave the screen. “Fucking hell!” Those words were quickly met with two strikes from a trusty tonfa. “Who would’ve thought a stupid tap-dancing penguin movie would make you even more violent.”
Gokudera doesn’t exactly know how the movie ended, or much after the fifth blow to the head. What she does know is when it comes to cute animals, on and off screen, Hibari should just be left alone.