Well, went into the doc's for my *ahem* yearly check-up (that I haven't been to in about, oh 10 years). Everything looked fine, talked about some stuff, went home. Got a call yesterday, however, that I do have some anomolies on my bloodwork. So, I'm going in tomorrow for another draw, to double check, and to get a test done.
It's probably nothing, but for any of you who care to peek under the lj cut... prayer would be great, because there is a possibility it could be something... rather not good in regards to my continued liver function. I went and looked some stuff up about my supposed results, and there are a few things that are making me a bit nervous.
But, as I said, there could have been something goofy with the test is all. Still, prayer is -always- appreciated.
I probably won't hear back any results until next week sometime, but if I know anything, I'll be sure to pass it on.