(no subject)

Oct 30, 2006 16:11

a) The day that Kal went to the movies happened to be Friday, and the next day he has finally decided upon a plan of action. He is going to try and keep his friends alive, and he decides this after several moments of contemplation.

b) At school, he goes up to Justin and tells him to stay away from Deadman's Peak, reveals what he saw, and Justin is shocked, but readily agrees. They converse a few moments about the absurdity and seriousness of Kal's gift and continue on their way.

c) At lunch, Kal turns to Mark and Haley and tells them not to soft-foot around him and tells them that they should be a couple because they deserve one another and he explains his reasons why when at first they think he's trying to tell them how much he despises him. They goof around and talk about school and basketball and the end of the year which is quickly approaching.

d) After lunch, Kal pulls Mark off to the side and explains to him why he can never take Haley to the Italian restaurant, which leaves Mark shaken, but he agrees and asks if there's anything else he needs to take into consideration. Kal frowns, then tells him to never get a dog because he'll develop a serious allergy to them in his mid-twenties- a fatal one. Again rattled by the revelation, as he truly believes in his friend's ability, Mark agrees and they continue on their way.

e) Kal goes to basketball practice, which has become substansially easier since he started having the visions as the threads for the balls to travel are very apparent to him and somehow he instinctively knows which one to follow. His gift has taken the fun out of basketball for him, and later that day he tells the coach he doesn't want a basketball scholarship because it just isn't fun anymore, and despite the coach's concern, finally gives in to Kal's decision.

f) Kal goes home to his parents and explains what he's done and why concerning his friends and the basketball team (he tells his parents that Mark and Justin believe him, it's just Haley that thinks he's crazy when they voice their concerns) and then they ask him if he can tell them anything. He looks straight at his father and tells him that he has a long life ahead of him, because the only shortening threat he had to his lifespan was the heart attack and that's finished. He tells his mom to stay away from airplanes, and then heads up to bed, content for the first time in a really long while.

Halloween is tomorrow. ^_^ Yay! I always liked Halloween, so yeah.


Nano starts in TWO DAYS!! Gulp.

So, still needing quotes pretty badly. But I'm sure I'll get those when I'm ready.
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