the devil in the details and this is just the introduction to the
opposites wondering about dyslexia and autism wondering about
nonduality the next stage and intelligence that's simply in the body
pianoplaying old lovers speedtyping aikido and this way i still go to
throw you for a split second if you grab me wrong wondering about
linearity yet again and why we order the way we do how we assign left
from right now from later first from next i've always had trouble with
that one. time simply is. space simply is. thought simply is. and we
apply our structures of speech and logic to define them which imposes
a sort of order to make them understandable to us not to represent
them as they are i feel like i think in hypertext and don't
know sometimes why i can't simply hand you -this- as an object,
instead of trying to squeeze it through one straight line perhaps we
will find other ways we didn't always have language raise an eyebrow to
stoned monkey theory what moved us before and what will it take next...
all the road atlases show singularity as a j-curve and as a friend of
mine says about drag racing it doesn't get easier you just get faster
EVOLVE... names divide, but... the finger is never the moon but
fingers from enough sides do a funny thing sometimes
buddhism/satanism; self is nothing/self is all vehicles that get you
to the same place eventually to all crash as fiery negation in sunyata
the void the neither-neither the as one the meta contemplate this long
enough and maybe you'll want to jump out a window (rest in peace,
messers delueze and kamerrer) maybe you'll simply sit as light or
maybe you'll look around you and see that you might as well -love- the
only steady ground is that there is no steady ground but take my hand
and i'll take yours and we'll reclaim form from the void as is our lot
here over and over again... depressives come close griping
pointlessness and futility and okay believe what you will
-but- why automatically assign negative judgement to that? conscious
mind will buck you on this one, saying it's too easy things can't just
be -okay-... but they can. really. you can lay down and die or lay
down and live. It's a habit like any other. again with getting to
where you're going by passing through its twin static balanced objects
with a continuum of polar opposites whirling around them sound
familiar? and how we often look to manifest as-one in our
relationships how magnets work a million other examples
opposites fuse and fight and transcend... and none of this is news,
nothing epic or final or serious just all right there all the
time and just us in our glorious trainwreck entirety.
waiting to pack up the car...