Denial Just Ain't a River in Egypt

May 18, 2009 19:37

That title would've been perfect for a Yu-Gi-Oh! fic. But no, it's Fullmetal Alchemist. It's brutally hilarious because the author believes her character isn't a Mary Sue.

Now remember as you read this fic; HER CHARACTER ISN'T A MARY SUE. SRSLY U GAIZ.

It's a short one but still pretty lulzy.

Hi I'm Akira and this is my first fan fiction so go easy on me!
Genki: Never a good sign.

There will be an OC that is similar to me (has same name) is NOT a Mary Sue! (She’s not perfect enough)
Genki: This is why it was chosen. Hint: If your character is named after you, is similar to you, and has accomplished feats impossible for their age, it's a fucking Mary Sue.

pairing are: RoyxRiza, EdxOC
Genki: Okay, Ed/OC. Standard wish fulfillment.

(about every guy in the military will have a slight crush on OC)
Genki: Totally not a Mary Sue, folks!

and hints of one-side FuryxOC.
Genki: I'm guessing Fury is the one side.

I was inspired by a story written by Dustwind.
Genki: Dustwind you poor bastard.

Disclaimer: I don't own FMA! I wish I owned Ed, but I don't! I only own the OC and the story!
Genki: This is the only Edward I feel sorry for. Okay, I'll stop injecting my anti-Twilight agenda. Just for this entry.

Chapter 1: Akira’s Diary
Genki: Inside the mind of a Sue.

Day 1: Dear Diary: My name is Akira Tetsu Minamoto.
Genki: I'm a thinly veiled self-insertion.

I am 17 years old and a State Alchemist. I am known as the “Illusion Alchemist”. This is my first day in Central.
Genki: Then how the fuck did you end up being a State Alchemist? State Alchemist at a very young age, still not a Sue!

Day 2: Everyone seems nice in Central. Although, Colonel Mustang is a little weird. I met a cute guy named Havoc. He’s older than me so I’m not interested. Everyone has a weird look on their faces as I walk down the hallways. Hmmm….

Day 3: OMG! I met an absolutely hunky guy named Edward Elric.
Genki: And this isn't self-insertion.

I’ve heard about him but I’d never met him until I ran into him on my way to the Mess Hall. (Actually he ran into me)
Genki: Like that scene in Balto except he's not happy to see you.

Genki: Seeing as this is about a Sue who's an obvious self-insert.... yeah, he's single.

Wow that was short…
Genki: Thank God.

Genki: Old joke is old.

I was talking about this chapter idiot. Well please review! Oh, and Akira will “act” clueless.
Genki: Totally not indicative of a Mary Sue.

mary sue, fullmetal alchemist

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