I'm Psychic!

May 18, 2009 20:43

What gives? It's a Yu-Gi-Oh! fic!

I'm under a time limit; ten minutes to create some lulz!

In Egypt there was a force so great it was locked up for a millennia. It was thought to be sealed, until the items were found. There were many items, all placed on a single statue, but one of these items remained hidden, the one that had the most mysterious power, and the one that would come to wield it, just as strange.
Genki: Thanks random fuck for telling us the plot of the original series!

In shadi’s tomb, guarding the remaining item, he awakens to find a boy shrouded in mystery, staring at the bracer (for those who don’t know a bracer is a tight bracelet) as if it was calling to him.
Genki: I get it now! The bracelet in Apollo Justice is a Millennium Item!

Shadi quickly rises to see what the boy is doing.
Genki: Staring, duh.

“Boy this is no place for you, leave at once or let the fates decide your fate….”
Genki: Yeah well I'll let my words decide your... words.

Boy turns his head, but walks to the bracer, closer and closer he comes to it, not responding to Shadi.
Genki: Just to play devil's advocate; Shadi really isn't that scary.

“Boy you have no clue what you get yourself into, if you aren’t the chosen than my your soul be engulfed in eternal darkness, and may it wither in the shadow realm!”
Genki: You're not fooling anyone, 4kids, you're actually sending people to hell.

The boy tries it on, carefully he checks to see it fits. Shadi waits with the millennium key, to check the boys mind and purposes.
Genki: *insert car alarm here*

Boy turns his head and looks at Shadi
Genki: Genki types the fanfic of painful.

“ My name is Mags, and I give you no such permission to enter the premise of my mind.”
Genki: Jesus Christ, Shadi, cantcha knock first?

Shadi is amazed by the boys knowledge of the items. Shadi is also quite freighted all of the people who inherited the items never knew their power, and Shadi knows not of the true power the ring possesses.
Genki: The Millennium Gary Stu. Fear.

“ Mags, you have sealed a dark fate, if you will not let me into you mind I will force it open.”
Genki: This calls for the Millennium Croquet Mallet!

Shadi tries as hard as he can, but cannot break the boys mental defenses.
Genki: Your key is no match for my PROZAC.

Mags gives Shadi a look of disbelief.
Genki: I would too.

“ I thought your key was all powerful, if you think it is will you care to challenge me to a Shadow Duel?
I risk my soul and my bracer you wager your soul.”

Shadi accepts challenge, learning many techniques from yugi.
Genki: Through difficult training like "playing card games."

“ I accept but I have learned from the master, yugi-moto”
Genki: He was once the learner. But he is now the... forget it.

The duel commences with Shadi in the lead. Shadi feels he has this one set, that this boy, couldn’t have known how to use the power. The boy becomes frustrated, and starts to glow. Shadi wonders what is wrong.
Genki: I'm not going to make an Edward Cullen reference. ... damn.

“ Boy, is it to much, you can forfeit or loose either way the bracer is mine again.”
Genki: They're playing fast and loose.

The boy throws this energy ball at Shadi, an it is a direct hit.
Genki: Critical hit!

Shadi not feeling anything gets back up and laughs at his puny powers.
Genki: It's not very effective....

But then he felt a great force possessing his body and mind. He was losing control, and with him not being able to concentrate, the boy , was left an easy victory, and diminished the remaining life points with a relinquished and toons.
Genki: Toons? Wait a minute...

Shadi, felling his soul separating from him
Genki: Shadi's daemon is in pain.

“ How could you do this, is it power or wealth you seek, please tell me.”
Genki: Nope. He's in it for the lulz.

“ I am the son of Maxmillion Pegasus
Genki: WHAT.

and I only search for the one they call Bakura, and I will punish his soul, and destroy him!
Genki: I'm sorry but... NO. Pegasus is a fucking pedophile! Chris Hansen knows his internet handles by heart!

But heed this warning, all who get in my way shall bear the same fate as you Shadi.”
Genki: We're totally scared.

Shadi, lost , and he vanished from sight, and just like that the guardian of the items was dead, living in a world of complete darkness.
Genki: Wait, what? I think I lost you.

Mags took the millennium key, and swore that none, but his father and himself will ever wield a millennium item.
Genki: ... isn't Pegasus dead?


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