Dustin Alden has an updated profile, and with that comes new backstory. Especially with the players/characters he hasn't had a chance to meet.
Name / LJ Username: Dustin Alden / dustin_alden
House: Hufflepuff
Age / Birthdate: 16 / Nov 18
Year: 5th
Bloodline / Heritage: Halfblood / British
Personal History: Dustin grew up in the wizarding world, though his mother always had a tough time adjusting to the lifestyle and cherished her job in muggle London. While Dustin's father tried to spoil him with sweets from Honeydukes and special trips to Quidditch matches, his mother aimed to make him well-rounded and appreciative of hard work without the aid of magic. Dustin is an only child, though not for lack of trying. His mother had a number of miscarriages, which had a definite impact on family relations for some time. However; they pulled through stronger than ever, and Dustin had no problems with sharing and being sociable. When he received his Hogwarts letter, he had never been more anxious to start anything in his life. His mother wanted him to learn the basics of muggle subjects on the side, but his father was simply glad his only child had not turned out to be a squib. Although his father's family had a reputation for being big in Gryffindor, Dustin was comfortably sorted into Hufflepuff. He wrote to his father 'I may have charisma and determination, but I'll always be a bit of a coward and a softy! Thank Mum for that!
Dustin spent his Hogwarts years somewhat lost, though surprisingly comfortable. His best friends were those who were far more outgoing than he could ever hope to become, and despite being shoved into odd situations such as 'lookout' for pranks, he was always willing to put up with the most insane blokes in the castle. Although he often felt as if he were overshadowed, perhaps outcasted, by those with much more bold personalities, he always had one thing going for him. He was only a fifth year, and yet he was made Captain of the Hufflepuff Quidditch Team. This was because Dustin has never dedicated himself to something more than Quidditch, and his knowledge of the sport makes it possible for him to help those on the team excel in their positions.
Dustin has always had poor luck with girls, though he tries his hardest to understand them. At the beginning of term he was asked to Hogsmeade and enjoyed himself, but the Ravenclaw he was with was far too clever for him. He was intimidated, and so things easily fell apart. His next opportunity came as a fellow fifth year Hufflepuff and teammate, but she was pulled from the castle before anything could really happen. Knowing that Avis Abernathy was hurt by his rejection of her some time ago (because he simply wasn't ready for girls in general), Dustin now believes he is cursed in the female department and would encourage no one to start fancying him. His self-esteem has become rather low - he hopes to work on this in time.
When things got a bit shady at Hogwarts, and England in general, Dustin's parents decided it was best to leave. Andrew Alden's twin sister, Dustin's aunt, had married a French muggle named Guilliam Blanc - who was eager to return to his home in Nice, France. Dustin's parents, along with his aunt and uncle, made plans to leave and Dustin was forced to go with them. Sophie, Dustin's cousin, remained at Hogsmeade, constantly sending him letters to instruct him in French and help aid his transition into Beauxbatons. Dustin hated life there - he missed his friends, his Quidditch team, and more importantly... the English language. As a member of Dumbledore's Army, Dustin had always been afraid of the war but always willing to FIGHT it. Avoiding life was not something Dustin approved of, and so he did what he thought was best for himself. Though it was quite difficult to leave his parents, Dustin owled the Headmaster and begged to be allowed back into the castle. Dumbledore, having accepted other former students, allowed this somewhat reluctantly - Dustin's parents were to remain in France. Dustin, however, has already made plans to stay with Sophie for the summer, and has made her his guardian in order to remain in Britain. He hopes to speak with Professor Murphy about returning to his spot on the Quidditch Team - at least of chaser, if not Captain.
Personality: Dustin is somewhere in the middle with his energy, though his best mates are often overly enthusiastic. Dustin is normally quite calm and reserved, amused by his surroundings. Dustin has a tendency to get excited over the smallest of things, however, and will show this emphatically with distinct facial expressions and much shouting/gesturing. Dustin is intelligent, but rather slow, and this can make him seem less bright than he actually is - a terrible fate for someone who already feels he's not so special. He cares about the feelings of others more than his own and is constantly worried about misreading signals. He has trouble occasionally with understanding what others are trying to say, and will often find things jumbled in his brain in a confusing manner, but he appears to enjoy the company of everyone and anyone and will work quite hard to hold on to his friendships. He beats himself up over accidentally hurting someone's feelings, though his pleasant nature makes those events rare. He has traits from all four houses, with an understanding of Gryffindor humor, Slytherin determination, and Ravenclaw intelligence, but his strongest traits are his sense of justice (with firm beliefs of what is right and what is wrong with very little in between) and his hardworking and loving nature. He cherishes his family, and considers his parents and other relatives his friends. He tries to avoid confrontation as much as possible (it makes him incredibly uncomfortable) and would rather settle things on the Quidditch field.
Physical Description: Dustin has brown hair that doesn't stay in place (though sometimes it surprises him and lays flat against his head). His eyes are hazel, and he is slighty muscular but not by much as the only exercise he gets is from Quidditch. He's around 5'9" or so.
Preferred Body Model: Shia LaBeouf (see icons)
Hobbies and talents: Dustin enjoys Quidditch, where he's no Viktor Krum type, but generally quite talented. He focuses on the sport more than anything else in his life. He also likes to watch muggle cinema with his mum. He remembers several things from what he watches and can picture them in his mind, but trying to quote lines would probably end up a disaster.
Weaknesses: Dustin is horrible with fights. He can never think of a good comeback, and takes things rather personally. He tries to avoid anything negative if he can. Also, he has a bad habit of daydreaming, which can lead to some troubles in classes he doesn't enjoy. Dustin can be forgetful at times, even having trouble with remembering to change his socks. Though friendly, he values personal space and can therefore come off as shy or unsociable at certain times.
Best subjects: Charms, Ancient Runes, Transfiguration
Worst subjects: Potions, Herbology
Broom: Cirrus 2000
Wand: Rosewood 14 and 1/4 in Unicorn Hair
List of classes for current year:
Ancient Runes
History of Magic
Muggle Studies
Alignment: Anti-Voldemort