doctor who 6x01 liveblog

Apr 24, 2011 03:13

uggghhhh MOFFFF.
ho hum I bet Moffat thinks he's so clever.
hahah N does not appreciate fish fingers and custard fan-service.
yes, yes, I do want to slap the doctor sometimes, more like always, actually.
heeeeeh she drives the Tardis!
Nixon doesn't know the Doctor? Churchill knew the Doctor!
silly British people having trouble with American accents.
spookiness! x files level spookiness! shades of poor confused Amy from Time of Angels not remembering things. always forgetting things. There is something about Amy Pond.
~you will tell the doctor what he must know and what he must never know~
oh yeah! cellphone, it's 1969!
team River and Amy!
she's just a friend! I think he's talking about the possible alien incursion.
ahhhhh ahhhh
hahahah do you mind Rory.
oh hey, it's Badger from Firefly.
how so old? because the aliens are there and they make people forget and they directed the space program to get back to the stars?
oh Rory.
N: where's the fucking Alien?!
so cute! bwahaha. he's afraid of scary things! the nerves are causing him to swear!
N: this is such an x-files episode. and luckily you've had all that time to prepare with the season 1 watch.
if friend is the right word.
baby Ponds.
what?! that's it??!
preview looks soo gooooood.
I hate to say it, but does the Moff only have one shtick?

Post episode reactions + post fandom read-around, short because I have about 10 papers to write before Friday and I'm getting sleepy:
- hmmm. apparently the scary aliens are being called "silents"/"silences" and they have been around since beginning of season five. My mind, she is blown. (via lizbee)
- that explains the tics/slightly out of wack reactions that make much of season five seem ominously not right. I'm really glad that the quality is not explained away by the finale, because it seemed like there was much more to the off-ness than that particular resolution
- playing with the wibbly wobbly timey wimey arrivals/departures/meetings/partings is so delicious! I love it!
- usual *isms problems. Not so bad that I can't stomach it, but enough to briefly wince. It's not even this show in particular, but the unfortunate fact of male/white-dominated norms of SF-drama. When almost everyone is white, the characters of colour shoulder by default so/too many burdens of representation.
- Here's a racebending fic to make up for it: Five Things People Might Have Read On The Psychic Paper (If Things Were Slightly Different)
- just found a link to Mark Watches and feeling sad that liveblogging has decamped away from lj-communities to some dude's blog. Oh, I'm sure there's still lj liveblogging going on, but it just seems to speak to the decline of community blogging and the rise of individual super blogs. This makes me sad because I am a fucking collectivist sap.
- wait, not even collectivist sap. The whole hosted blog thing bothers me. Like those host clubs. ~shudders~

ha. ha. thus ends any pretensions of this not being a fannish journal.
fangirl squeeeeeee ^ 2

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