Going from
Going from
Both of these tutorials use alot of textures, and one step of selective coloring. Made in PS CS3
Tutorial 1
Step 1
Find yourself a nice stock image, I got mine from veer.com
Step 2
I took a texture by
bambinainnero and set it to multiply 50%
Step 3
I took another texture by
bambinainnero and set it to soft light 100%
Step 4
I took yet another texture by
bambinainnero and set it to soft light 79%
Step 5
Add a new Layer---New Adjustment Layer---Color Balance
Midtones: -22, -15, -6
Shadows: -5, -3, 14
Highlights: -2, -4, 30
Step 6
Add a new Layer---New Adjustment Layer---Selective Color
Reds: 30, 6, -12, 0
Yellows: 64, -42, 21, 0
Neutrals: 10, 9, -11, 9
Step 7
Add a new Layer---New Adjustment Layer---Levels
RGB: 0, 1.15, 255
Tutorial 2
Step 1
Find yourself a good stock photo. I got mine at veer.com
Step 2
I took a texture by
spooky_window and set it to multiply 100%
Step 3
I took another texture by
spooky_window and set it to soft light 100%
Step 4
I took yet another texture by
spooky_window and set it to soft light 100%
Step 5
Add a new Layer---New Adjustment Layer---Color Balance
Midtones: -8, -12, -19
Shadows: 6, -6, 8
Highlights: 5, -5, 16
Step 6
Add a new Layer---New Adjustment Layer---Selective Color
Reds: -28, 9, -13, 0
Yellows: -39, -18, 51, 0
Neutrals: 20, -2, -12, 10
Step 7
Add a new Layer---New Adjustment Layer---Levels
RGB: 0, 1.09, 255
Step 8
I took another texture by
spooky_window and set it to soft light 100%
Step 9
I took a texture by
bambinainnero and set it to darken 100%
Step 10
I took my base, duplicated it, dragged it to the top, and set it to soft light 62%
These tutorials will work for for pretty much any stock icon you want to make, you just need to find some textures that match the base. Just play around and experiment! I highly recommend the following users for textures that work great on stock icons:
bambinainnero ,
spooky_window ,
innocent_lexys ,
phaantasia I also use alot of my own textures as well, which you can find by browsing the
tags. :o)
Hope these tutorials were of use to you!
You can find mine and
phaantasia 's other tutorials