Application for cityofdesai (Updated, revised and improved.)

Mar 03, 2010 14:24

AIM SN: KSena77
E-MAIL: ksena77 at

NAME: Captain William “Will” Turner (dutchmancpt)
CANON: Pirates of the Caribbean

Will Turner has, over the centuries, turned out to be quite a serious character. Being immortal is not all it is cranked up to be. Especially when you can’t leave your ship more then every tenth year. And only during 24 hours during that day….

When Elisabeth and Jack died, whom he both was involved in a relationship with (see History), he was heartbroken, had he had a heart. It was near he went down the path of Davy Jones then, not doing his duty to the dead. To this day he don’t speak much off them.

Unlike Davy Jones though, Will is a much gentler ferryman. Of course, he offers those he ferries to be a part of his crew, but he don’t force them and he don’t pressgang anyone. It is a free choice.

He is fiercely loyal to those he cares about and considers friends or family. Not many these days, apart from his father and crew. He has kept some track off his, Elisabeths and Jacks descendants, and as soon as they are at sea he tries to watch over them and keep them out of trouble (if he can).

He can be cheerful and crack a joke with his crew now and then though. It even happens that he gets slightly drunk from rum. (Thank you Calypso for the never-ending rum-stock… I think…) Most of his crew, and him, started out as pirates after all.

His father, Bootstrap Bill, is still part off the crew. And even though there relationship was anything but easy when Will was new as Captain, they have over the years come to a certain understanding and are quite happy about each others company. Davy Jones previous First Mate is still part of the crew as well. His father is now responsible for the passengers they pick up to deliver to Fiddlers Green. Or any new crew who needs to find his/her place on the ship.

HISTORY: Will Turner at PotC Wiki

His mother was called Sarah Turner, and was married with William “Bootstrap Bill” Turner until she died. She was a religious but tough woman raising little Will on her own and turning down any and all other men being faithful to Bill. Bill sent trinkets and gifts to them while Will grew up, the biggest prize being the cursed Aztec gold fashioned as a necklace, something Will prized as a memory of his father, not knowing what it really was.

When he got rescued from the Black Pearl and Barbossa, Will thought he’d lost the necklace in the sea. Governor Swann got him a place with Brown to be a black-smith apprentice in Port Royal when they got there, something Will had a talent for. And the more Will’s talent grew, Brown succumbed more and more to the drink. Wills love for Elisabeth grew while they grew up, and they were great friends as children. He also idolized the Navy in Port Royal and learned to use a sword from them, something he continued to practise on his own.

And so the dealings of the first movie happened.

Between the first and the second, Will returned to Port Royal, and his employment with Mr Brown. Despite being a drunken old man, Brown liked Will and so signed his journeyman-papers upon his return, as a wedding-gift when it was clear he was going to marry Elisabeth.

Then the second and third movie happened… And we all know how that ended.

It did take some getting used to be the Captain of the Flying Dutchman for Will. He had a lot of help from his father and from first mate Maccus who soon came to like his young new Captain. Between the three of them, they threw out the organ from the captains cabin. From things he found on shipwrecks and on the sea-floor he fashioned his own smithy in the captains cabin. It amazed him what he could do in the confines of his own ship, but it works. Strangely, it works.

A few years later clever Jack Sparrow figured out a way to go around Calypso’s rules by chance really, after a bit of pirating where the ship he attacked fought back. Quite a few men died, and so The Dutchman and Will appeared. Eager for news about Elisabeth, Will took time to visit Jack and talk to him. Rum was shared, and Will who always was drawn to Jack, found out it was mutual. Jack also told him about his son, about Elisabeth that he visited often. Will then asked Jack to bring them to sea, and so Jack did (although not Will junior who was still to young...). After that Jack, Elisabeth and Will meet as often as they could on the seas, and there three-way relationship grew. They did not meet often enough though, since Will took his task quite seriously.

Ten years after he became the Dutchman Captain, he returned to the island where he and Elisabeth last saw each other on land and consummated there marriage. There he meet his son, William III for the first time. After that meeting, and the day they had together, William was brought to sea to, getting his first sea-legs…

Time went on, and Will spent his one day every ten years on land together with his family. A family that grew, and grew older. Elisabeth, Jack and Will decided together that only there children should know what Will really was. Generations to come would not.

William Turner III grew up fully aware of what his father was, however, and became a brilliant sailor and pirate, never fearing the seas. After all, with Captain Jack Sparrow as mentor, the Pirate King as mother and the Ferryman as father... What else to expect? But his, is another story...

The Dutchman however, how done its duty with Captain Will Turner at the helm sailing the seas for hundreds of years by now.... And the world has continued to evolve around her to the modern day of today. But the sea is still alluring, and sailors still die at sea...

Powers: Will is the Ferryman, chosen by Calypso. And he has the powers of the Dutchman literary at his feet. The Dutchman can sail between seas to, so she can always show up where she is most needed. Will gets a feeling in the back off his mind where he needs to go. But his powers ends at shore. He can only effect the sea and those at sea. He can decide if the Dutchman should sail on the sea or under it, with the help off his crew. He can walk from ship to ship through wooden walls (not so easy nowadays since not many ships are made of wood… he don’t need a big wall though). Even today, it is not many ships that can outrun the Dutchman if she and her crew sets there mind to it. He also has the power to give his crew there freedom from there service, something he often asks them if they wish him to. He is an excellent swordsmith and swordsman, not many can match his skill there.... since, yes. He still practises (and has done so for many, many years now…) He is immortal and can not die. Should someone get to him in a fight, it will hurt like on a regular human, but not bleed and as soon as the weapon has left his body the wound will close.

CREW of The Flying Dutchman: Since Will can't set foot on land, if he intends to help someone, he sends his crew. It is mostly the same crew that were on the Dutchman in the movies, although with some changes. The crewman of the Dutchman has much the same powers as there Captain, with a few differences. They can't command the Dutchman like Will do. And if they stay on shore for to long, they get a magical pull that forces them mentally to return to there ship. If there Captain commands more speed or the ship to dive, it takes the will of strength of the entire crew to do so. (Hence the shout DOWN during the movies...) They can also walk from ship to ship like there Captain through wooden walls. And they don't bleed when getting hurt in a fight, there wounds closing just like there Captains. To be able to leave the Dutchman they need the permission from there Captain. If the Captain relieves them of there duty, they will move on to Fiddlers Green / Elysium Fields / Heaven next time they make port there.


Prime Navigator:




Bootstrap Bill

Patrik & Morgan (previously Two-Head)

New to the crew since the battle against East India Trading company and all them years that followed (OCs, will not be used often):

(If anyone would like to play ANY of the crew, they are free to do so, what with the merits and flaws that follows with being crew of the Dutchman.)


Time moves. And I don’t know what I am doing here. I was drawn here. To this… port. This city. The Dutchman has never made port before. I wonder if it is Calypsos will? You never know with her. I might be sending my crew on shore. I want to know more about this place. It doesn’t look like any city I have passed before, and I have seen many. Strange. For now, I will stay. Maybe I am needed? We’ll see.


There had been a few ships that had tried to approach the Dutchman, but as soon as that happened, they had dived down the ocean, leaving the curious on the surface.

Standing at the helm of the Dutchman, Will stood and watched over the city he arrived at. It was huge. A bustling place. Much bigger then New York, and he had seen that city grow. Some off his crew had been ordered to leave the Dutchman and explore the city for a few days, and Will eagerly awaited there news. It was still years before he could set foot on land.


Will looked over at the shore in front of them... It was not much on it. Not at all. He shock his head with a sigh. Not a ship this time. The tingling sensation he usually got at the back of his mind had this time literary screamed at him to get the move on, and the ship had creaked and whined under his feet eager to do her duty. Now they were here. At the shores of Chile.... He heard his father walking up next to him...
"No more room, Will. They are waiting for you. Like always."
Bootstrap patted Will on the shoulder. They were more friends then father and son these days, the years having changed there relationship. But he still knew how much it affected Will when they picked up children.... So many children on the seas in this age... or to close to the sea, at any rate. But they had a duty to do. When Will turned and walked towards the scared people in the passenger-rooms, it was not the sad, young looking man that had stood by the railing, but the Dutchman Captain that strode over the ship. Bootstrap smiled. He was proud of him, after all.

Will knew that his crew, so much gentler now then they had been all those years ago, had taken good care of the souls they had picked up from the sea. So many... A little girl in the midst. She looked up at him when he came to stop in front of them.
"Hello." he said.
The girl looked up at him with big frighted eyes. "This is a big boat."
Will smiled, and looked down at her. "It is. And it is all mine to, and I always share it." Looking out at the many people he continued with a gentle voice. "I think most of you know why you are here, even if you don't know who I am. I am Captain Will Turner. This is ship is the Flying Dutchman, and I'll be taking you on your last journey. Don't fear us, or this journey." he could feel his crew standing around on the ship, at attention. Careful not to scare the passengers more then necessary. He smiled sadly. The girl reached up her hand and took hold of his.
"I am ready to go now, mister." The other passengers nodded slowly, that yes.... it was time. Even if a few still looked towards shore with longing, they were ready. Will nodded towards Maccus, who made a swift motion with his hands. Will felt the will of his crew, and he ordered the Dutchman to dive. It was time to go.


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