So guys, I know that everyone is really busy right now, but do we have any idea when Milkcrate is comming back? I know with lears stuff, he is really swamped right now, but I was just kinda missing it. Let me know.
So as some of you know, I am between departments right now. Really for lots of reasons. Personal and professional. So, I am back in college and doing well. But, the bills must get paid. I had to find a job so, through the friends of friends networking stuff, I ended up as a sub-contractor working on modular office space
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I also have been making some changes in my prayer life. I want to get back to the life I had when I was happier. I used to be an "ok" christian. Not to say that I wasn't out to find miss "right now". But, I miss that fullness I once had when I was doing better trying to do what God wanted me to do. I have really ignored that in the last few
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So I wake up at the crack or noon today. I over slept and missed Algebra...again. I am going to drop that class. My fault I guess for taking 19 hours this trimester. I really should only bite off what I can realisticlly chew. Speaking of eating. I'm done
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hey, can anyone tell me who the fuck this violin_farie person is????? Apparently I have met them, but they wont say there name on here. I say if ya dont wanna talk, stay off LJ.
Goddamn it...shit, ass, bitch, cunt, piss, cock sucker, mother fucker, tits, pole smoker, anal ranger, ass clown, shit magnet, cockbite, that is all the stamina I can muster up right now, see
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