Before you guys start, I would like to let you guys know I made the longer version of Cheese-kun as seen in this
not really work safe pic, but if you guys want to make a smaller Cheese-kun than the only thing that changes in making him is how you draw his main body on to the fabric you buy.
How to Make Cheese-kun:
Step zero. To make it easy for you all, here are the
reference pictures you guys will need. Please don't hot link to them. If you have to, please save them to your own computer or server.
Step one. Buy yellow-ish or orange-ish fabric, yellow and black thread, and whatever you want to stuff it with.
Step two. Buy scissors, marker or fabric pen, and sewing needles as well (if you don't have these things already.)
Step three. Go home... lay out your things on the floor/table/where ever. Turn the fabric to the sides you plan to have on the inside, and use marker (or whatever you have) to outline the shape of Cheese-kun's main body.
Step four. When you're done outlining Cheese-kun's shape. Hand sew (or use a machine to sew) the lines/two parts of the fabric together, but leave the bottom of Cheese-kun un-sewn. When you're done that cut any remaining fabric away from the outside but be sure to leave half a inch of the fabric there so that the thread will hold Cheese-kun together properly. If you think the body needs to be stronger, sew around the body with more thread as many more times as you wish. Though, two-three times should be enough to make it as strong as it needs to be.
Step five. Now. Turn Cheese-kun inside out, and stuff him with whatever you bought to stuff him with.
Step six. Hand sew the bottom shut. This may be tricky since it's hard to sew the bottom shut inwards and keep the stuffing in the bumps on the end of Cheese-kun. Seriously, take your time....
Step seven. Now, do the same thing with the arms. Draw them... Hand sew.... Turn them inside out... Stuff them.... and than hand sew them on to the body.
Step eight. Lastly, you can draw Cheese-kun's face on with marker, or use a lot of black thread to make one. Your Choice. I sewed mine on though. Ok! I haven't sewn on his face yet, but I will soon. A picture of that will come later.
Step nine. Later... buy some black stuff and make the hat yourself or buy a small lolita type hat that looks close enough to his and sew it on in four to six areas like you'd sew a button. This way it leaves less holes in his head and hat.
If this was helpful to anyone or if anyone has a question, than please leave a comment. I want to hear your stories and/or questions about making a Cheese-kun. Well.. in till you comment next time. See ya!
Cheese-kun © Pizza Hut/KFC in Japan.