TITLE: The Precious
SIZE: WC: 505 (and
18 Icons)
SUMMARY: Vala has to fight her old urges.
A/N: I'm so sorry for how late this is. Had some personal and technical problems happen, all at once. So thank you to my giftee and the mods, for being so patient.
The tiara sparkled, shimmering lights across the small cavern. Even with the low amount of light, it managed to shine and capture her attention above everything else.
Her fingers itched to touch it, possess it.
“So what is this, exactly?”
She rolled her eyes. “Beauty, my Daniel. What else?”
The sound of a grunt had her turning on her heels. Undercover had the benefit of wearing certain garbs she missed. Her pirate outfit with all the black leather and smoothness was one of those. Daniel was in a similar amount of leather, though it cut off sleeveless and showed he could actually throw a few punches if needed.
Ignoring her comment, he indicated with a nod towards the tiara. “What is this all about?”
“Apparently, a royal high priestess stole this from the young princess that she was supposed to be worshipping, robbing her of a few trinket rubies as well and high tailed it out of the planet. It’s been missing for more than two centuries. Not that anyone hasn't tried to find it as it supposedly holds a special ability of healing.”
She really wanted to reach out and pet it. Of course, the big ogre standing guard might have a say to that which would ensue a scuff-all and possibly resulting in damaging her newly painted nails, curtsey of a girl’s day out with Samantha.
“And?” Daniel pressed on. Normally, she would boast about how smart her Daniel was but really, this wasn’t all so hard to understand.
“And.” She reached into her pocket, letting the big guy see what she was doing so as not to get shot at with a phaser and showed, palm up, an artifact. Gold and circular, it resembled a large button but had odd carvings engraved in it. “We give a trade.”
“But we’re not here for the tiara.” Daniel whispered into her ear, pressing his side to her. Granted, it was probably casual but Vala never took it for granted. “We’re here for information on anymore Ori floating around.”
“Understood. But what if that tiara does have the property to heal? Perhaps it could help with those still infected.”
“And what if it doesn't? Then we just wasted a trade.”
She bit her bottom lip, wanting that tiara with every fiber of her being. Maybe it was the thief in her or perhaps, the dazzling object created such an allure, it literally tugged at her heart strings (purse strings even.)
“But Daniel…it’s so…”
“Pretty. I know. Next time.”
Indecision never quite tasted good to her. She bit back a retort about going soft and requested for the info the big guy had about Ori and promised to be back another time for the tiara.
Later, Daniel would comment about someone else buying it up and finding it was in fact, a fake, and Vala had made the right call. Vala simply smiled and remembered to pat her precious when she returned to her quarters. Sometimes, it really was good to be such an exceptional thief.