Title: Reality Bites
Author: Lionchilde
Summary: AU "Why do you Tau'ri have trees along your ski trails anyway?"
Rating: G
Length: Around 500 words
Category: Humor
Pairings/Charaters: Daniel/Vala; team friendship; hints of Sam/Jack
A/N: Part 17 of The Games People Play. The series follows current cannon to the end of 10x09, Company of Thieves. Takes place around Thanksgiving. Written for
Reality Bites
"Why do you Tau'ri have trees along your ski trails anyway?" Vala asked later that afternoon. She'd finally caught Daniel, and her anger over the feigned unconsciousness ploy had been appeased by the pleasure of sitting atop his back and rubbing his face repeatedly in the snow while he sputtered for help. Sam had eventually convinced her to let him go, and the group went back to the Lodge to grab hot drinks and warm up by the fire.
"What do you mean?" Sam frowned.
"Well, hasn't it occurred to anyone that trees can be dangerous?" Vala pointed out. "Daniel could have been hurt."
"The trees help give the place atmosphere. Make it more friendly," shrugged Jack.
"Yeah…friendly," Daniel muttered. He'd actually landed in the tree that the team had discovered him underneath, although how exactly that had happened was still unclear to him. One minute he'd been sailing down a mountain, then he lost a ski and turned his head to see where it went. He'd tried to slow down while balancing on one ski, and everything after that was a blur of motion and cold wetness until he found himself in the branches. He'd fallen out while trying to remove the second ski, only moments before they found him.
Vala smirked and ran a hand teasingly through his still damp hair, and the room exploded with laughter. Daniel scowled, but before he could do more than open his mouth, Jack's cell phone began playing The Simpsons' theme song. He pulled it from his pocket and glanced at the number with a loud sigh. He stood up and slipped out into the hall, returning a few minutes later wearing an irritated expression.
"That was the President," he said as he stomped over to snatch his coat from the chair where he'd left it.
"You'll be back for Thanksgiving, won't you, sir?" Sam asked, not quite managing to keep the disappointment out of her tone.
"Do my best, Carter," he shrugged, pulling the coat on and heading for the door.