Title: The Games People Play Chapter 42--Dust
Author: Lionchilde
Summary: Carolyn didn’t have a key, so Vala picked the lock to get them inside. They walked through the back door into the general’s kitchen, where a gallon of chocolate ice cream, now caved in at the sides, sat dripping goop down the counter. Hand signals deployed the rest of SG-1 through the house, while Cam and Carolyn ran for the stairs.
Rating: PG
Length: Around 500 words
Pairings/Characters: D/V, Cam/Carolyn. Lots of em.
A/N: For
Carolyn didn’t have a key, so Vala picked the lock to get them inside. They walked through the back door into the general’s kitchen, where a gallon of chocolate ice cream, now caved in at the sides, sat dripping goop down the counter. Hand signals deployed the rest of SG-1 through the house, while Cam and Carolyn ran for the stairs. His bedroom was at the far end of the hall, and the door was open, but Cam didn’t immediately see him. He paused long enough to open the bathroom door, but the only thing in there was a wet green towel that the general had apparently left on the floor after taking a shower last night. They moved quickly down to the bedroom, and he let Carolyn slide ahead of him as his eyes scanned the room.
“Dad?” she called.
The bed was a mess, but not in such a way as to indicate that it had been slept in. The sheets and blankets had all been pulled to one side, as if-Carolyn caught sight of something at the same moment and rushed around the bed, falling onto her knees on the far side of it. Cam dove for the phone on the bedside table, dialing 911 before she even had the general onto his back.
“He’s breathing,” she said. “Pulse and respiration are steady but escalated-Dad, can you hear me?”
The next few minutes passed in a blur for him. Carolyn worked to stabilize her father while he stayed on the phone with the emergency dispatcher. The team clattered up the stairs but waited in the hall to stay out of the way of the emergency crew, which arrived shortly after. Carolyn backed off, though reluctantly, to allow the paramedics to do their jobs. Most of what she said to them--aside from the discussion about the recent headaches and the general’s known medical history-went over his head.
They loaded him onto a stretcher and carried him downstairs with Carolyn sticking as close as she could to him. Cam and the rest of the team followed them down, and General O’Neill’s truck pulled up as they emerged from the house. Cam helped Carolyn into the back of the ambulance, giving her a quick hug and a whispered reassurance, then jogged back to where the rest of SG-1 stood watching from the steps.
“Mitchell, what’s the situation?” General O’Neill asked, sprinting up from the truck at the same time.
“Dr. Lam and I found him unconscious, sir,” he replied. “Don’t know much more’n that yet.”
The general nodded.
Sam moved away from Vala and stepped toward him, and he automatically leaned forward to hug her.
“I don’t want Carolyn to be alone at the hospital,” Cam said. “Somebody’s gonna have to go back inside, find the general something to put on besides that bathrobe, and lock up.”
“We’ll stay,” Sam said, slipping her hand into her pocket to give Daniel her keys. “We can take Jack’s truck and follow you.”