Ok, this video was ages ago. A little more than a year, but if you know better, you'd know that OHNO IS A CLASSIC. And he never ages.
This, ladies and gents, is a pure labor of love.
Tayuri's baby, as she calls it. About our baby, as I put it.
Random. Isn't it amazing that he turns 28 later this month, and still doesn't look a day older than eighteen?? But then again, whoever said life's always fair? *whistles*
Check out tayuri's original translations here. (I'm currently at war with
Tayuri's inbox, so my fate is entirely up to YOU.)
2. Spot translation credited to dear Becky aka
taijiproject. So remember to thank her for helping with the 'polishing'.
3. MU's bitchy. This early, don't say I didn't warn you. And I am still waiting for their reply on the complaint I lodged.
4. No softsubs to be distributed. AND ABSOLUTELY NO ONLINE STREAMING. Let that be one of your two birthday gifts for Ohchan. (The other one being your undying love and devotion. Oh wait. That's two already.)
Squeeing over a bloody cap is one sure sign that I truly have it bad.
Download links. CHANGE HXXP TO HTTP. I dunno how to make that any bolder. :).
Links by
mmestrange. Reuploads are welcome, kindly PM me.
Part 1. Ohno talks about entering the Jimusho, his pre-debut days, and being a deadringer for a certain senpai.
https://mega.co.nz/#!KAkgnQqQ!euctA0Aeq5olJeWLhsDTLSwOFDQlr6Ipb00q8qAYqxE Part 2. Ohno hears what Matsuoka Masahiro of TOKIO thinks about him. ('Matsu-nii~!!!')
https://mega.co.nz/#!mEMQ1bxa!YpFSlXeQF2ifVpl25YhZbyf2b-RpKd_KygCc1pWI1RE No password required. No need to HJSplit. Download both rar files, make sure they both have the right file sizes and unzip with the newest version of winrar.
ADDED 10 OCTOBER FILES TO ARASHI DISCOVERY, this time using An-chan aka
change417's translation.
No. I won't put THIS under a cut.