Writers: Guidelines and Sign-ups

Jan 11, 2009 05:31

Under the cut: guidelines for writers, questions and answers, and the sign-up post!

Guidelines for Writers
    - All stories must be 15,000 words or more. There is no maximum word count, though the traditional Big Bang! word requirement is 20,000 words.
    - You can write about any person or pairing, as long as it falls within "six degrees of David Cook." Cook does not have to be the main character in the fic, a story centered around Axium would be fine.
    - Stories can be het, gen, slash, AU, or a crossover.
    - Stories can be posted directly to dvbb or a story link can be posted to the community, while the actual story remains in your personal/writing journal. All links will be rounded up for a masterlist to be posted in summer.
    - Your story must be new to dvbb. AKA, no reposting of old or previously unfinished work.
    - Don't post your story to other communities or websites until the story has been fully published here!

Questions and Answers
    Q: Why do I have to submit a first and final draft?
    A: Basically, the artist paired up with you will read your first draft and use it as inspiration to create their story art. Nobody but the artist will read your first draft: it will not be posted to the community, the community moderators will not read it, and your writing will not be shared in any way. Typically, once the community moderator receives your first draft, your artist will have it in their possession within 24 hours.

    Q: Six degrees? What does that mean exactly?
    A: The simple answer is, six degrees: David Cook/Anyone in one of Cook's immediate circles. This means anyone in tulsa_gangstas, anyone in the Idol universe, anyone he has posed for photos with or even someone that the person he posed in the photo with knows. If you have a pairing in mind and you're not sure if it meets the criteria, just leave a comment and a mod will get back to you.

    Q: Can only one person write each pairing?
    A: Nope! Any writer can write whatever pairing they'd like.

    Q: Are multiple pairings allowed?
    A: Absolutely.

Sign Up!
    Copy and paste the following text into a new comment:

    LJ Name:
      Your Name:
      Pairing you will be writing:
      Genre you will be writing:

    It should look something like this:

    All comments have been screened.

    Sign-ups are now closed!

mod: writers, mod: info

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