Bleh. The last couple days have sucked.
One annoyance has been contracting my annual upper respiratory infection. I thought I might avoid it this year. I'm mostly back to normal but still need Ricola to get through the day/night. I'm tired of the taste, but more tired of coughing.
New tires right before Christmas also sucks.
Monday we were running a couple errands (sending Christmas cards) and kept hearing a clicking noise from the front right car tire. Sure enough, there's a nail in it. I say a few choice words and mentally reschedule my Tuesday plans to include a trip to Firestone. My sick kicks in and I head to take a nap...
...To awaken to Sara telling me the car has a flat tire. It is now parked in an "UA Service Vehicles Only" spot on the other side of campus and almost dark. So I get dressed, we head out the door, and that's when it clicks that she said it was the front LEFT tire. *sigh* Got it changed and headed to Taco Bell for comfort food. Yet another mistake as it was pretty mediocre, even for Taco Bell.
Thus Tuesday sees me, our car, and TWO damaged tires headed to Firestone. The theme for the day was "I wish I'd thought of that 5 minutes earlier...". Short version is that I forgot my book, spent over an hour doing yoga during my "about 45 minutes", found out BOTH tires needed to replaced, got instantly denied credit, hiked home to check with Sara about how we'd pay for it, missed her because she was on a run, realized two blocks from home that I didn't have my keys, and generally was unamused with life. Thankfully, I was able to catch a ride back from our neighbors after using their internet to overdraft my account enough to cover things... *sigh*
But hey, it wasn't all bad? Let's give cheers for adult Christmas presents! And not in the fun, "adult" fashion, but as in the "responsible" fashion. A couple days before this we got a Christmas check from Sara's parents. After the Firestone guy took sympathy and gave me a "sucks to be you" discount, there was just about enough left for a decent cup of coffee. The downside is that we'd already spent some of it on other stuff... Bah.
In other news of late, I got to play White Knight for my friend Po. Emergency aspirin delivery, finishing enough painting in her new apartment that she could move in, feeding her enough to get through the day, and then helping her actually move. (Though Sara was the one that did the most work on those last two.) Looks like I may be helping her move her aquariums this afternoon...
What else since last update? Went to Southern and Sara rocked it out on the rapier. I had fun and I'm really enjoying camping with the Dancing Goats. There were a few items that sucked such as cold and other such, but resolutions have been made.
I've also taken care of a couple pre-Estrella projects, finished Fallout: New Vegas (4 different times), and have been playing a bit of Left 4 Dead.
Ran into a bunch of SCA friends at the Members-Only night of Zoolights. We'd all shown up with our kid(s) and ran into each other. It was pretty awesome, though next year needs whiskey.
I'm sure there's other stuff, but it's been mostly water under the bridge. Too much time between posts or something. :-p Sara's pretty much done with the semester and looks to have gotten good grades. Faydra is just awesome and constantly amazes me. Both of those girls are too damned smart...
Coming up? We're planning on spending the weekend in Yuma. The event out there is just the excuse. The real point is to go see my Dad for a couple days.
Then Sara's parents will be in town next week. Sara and I are thinking about using them to babysit for a run to Phoenix for SCA business and a show on Wednesday... we'll see on that. There's also Xmas, possibly at my Mom's? Then New Year's looks to be a rapier-oriented fondue dinner. After that is a slew of War Practices and then Estrella. Damn but time flies.
Oh, I've also been voluntold to help in kitchen at Investiture feast. I guess that means I'm going? :-p I've missed Mingo Feasts and I'm happy to help.
So yeah, that's me right now. Finances still suck, my job is unrewarding and underpaid, I loathe the Holidays, I'm sick of the taste of Ricola... and yet I'm still generally happy. It must be something in the water.