Like many things in my life, I tend to focus on reading in OCD jags. I won't read a book for a couple months because I'm focused on something else like SCA, 40k or videogames... and then I'll sit down and read a dozen in a short time. I think this run has just about finished the course... (
Cut for length, in which I rant about some books: )
Comments 2
Have you read the most recent Vorkosigan book? If not, you can borrow my copy.
As to Vorkosigan:
If you're talking "Cryoburn", yeah, I read that a few months ago. Our neighbors are also big Bujold fans and loaned me their copy the week after it came out. I got my own a month or so later.
If you're talking the new novella "Winterfair Gifts", no. I haven't seen it in any format other than Kindle.
So when are we going to get together for dinner? Haven't seen you in way too long...
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