I miss you
Baby close your eyes
Let's meet
In our dreams
Life has been so excellent lately, but with all the good there is still a few downs. Haha, downs reminded me of Destiny. That twat should move back to Port so we can all see her all the time. I remember we used to be really close, and all because Sydney made me go there one day. I miss her as well, I feel like its been years since I have seen her. A couple days ago I was walking around my old truck that I used to drive and on the bumper there is a toe nail polish heart. And that took me so far back. To when I used to go see Sydney like everyday or so and always bring her shit. I think about Liz almost daily, and even though I never saw her a lot when she was here. It makes me ten times more sad that shes gone now. But I'm pretty sure shes coming home soon so I'm excited about that. And, Kaleigh always <3.
But its funny that I'm reminiscing about all these old time because, Last night me and Marissa had like, a fucking epiphany. It was all about the past, but, it was such a deep emotional talk. But it felt really good to get it all out. But there goes like 10 secrets i wanted to send in to post secret haha =).
Hopefully in a little bit me and the Girlfriend face are going to go picture taking like we do every Saturday. I'm really excited but its my turn to choose where we go and I have no idea at all. Maybe today I will take at least one good picture.
Things could not have worked out any better with Marissa. I'm just so happy about us.
You guys really don't understand how she makes me feel.
I want to spill whats on my mind on here. But you guys aren't ready yet.
P.s. I am in the process of cutting the sleeves off almost all my shirts.
I've become way to trashy
Buy me Dickie pants for Christmas. The black and blue ones, size 30 x 30-32. It does not matter because, I'm going to cut them all off into shorts anyways.
But the size 32 waist shorts are to baggy so I will just cut the waist band.
Thanks <3
P.s.s. Oh also I have all the money for Marissa's Christmas present but, should I order it now? or wait?
You make me whole and i want to thank you for this.
I wanna thank you for this chance to be angels.
You push me to strive harder when I'm unable.
And I want, you said, I need this - I want, you said, don't leave this.
Now is our time, were gonna make things right and, pull through tonight.
I remember when we were younger we had nothing but strived for something.
And I wanna thank you for this chance to be angels.
Thank you for everything, we had nothing and strived for something.