Title: Elsewhere
badly_knittedCharacters: Bill Potts, Twelfth Doctor.
Rating: G
Written For: Challenge 871: Advent.
Spoilers: Nada.
Summary: Bill is curious about why the TARDIS is so different from all other spacecraft.
Disclaimer: I don’t own Doctor Who, or the characters.
“How come we travel about in a blue box instead of something like that?” Bill asked as she gazed out across the spaceport, eternally curious about everything.
“When the people of Gallifrey first developed interplanetary travel, our spaceships weren’t that much different to the kinds you see here,” the Doctor replied. “But our scientists always thought there had to be a way to make spacecraft less… bulky. It wasn’t until the advent of transdimensional theory that they began to find ways around the amount of space an object required. The TARDIS is still as big, just not in this dimension.”
The End