If you're a long-time member of this community, I'm sure you remember the Ten Suit Guide created by
bellanut. Not only was it a fantastic resource for anyone making a Ten costume, it was a good laugh. Since there's been an entire series since the guide was posted, I've decided to take the task of organizing and posting all the Doctor's new looks.
First up is Smith and Jones, our first look at the blue suit. We've got a maroon tie with a blue leaf pattern on top of a white/light blue shirt. And of course, we can't forget the rockin' new maroon Converse (which are damn near impossible to find 'round here.
Next is The Shakespeare Code. Notice that this combo of maroon tie with brown suit seems to be a BBC Wallpaper exclusive picture
Now, for the actual episode, we get the Doctor sporting the usual brown suit with his brown tie with a blue square pattern on top of a white shirt.
And the exact same thing for Gridlock. In fact, the only reason I added these pictures are because they are quite good at making the Doctor quite stupid.
In Daleks in Manhattan/Evolution of the Daleks, we get another tie with a leaf pattern, but this one is a shade of maroon, much like the main color of the tie and the Chucks. Gotta love an alien that properly coordinates his shoes and ties, eh?.
Lazarus Experiment. Doctor in a tux. Tieless, natch.
Now here's a difference! In 42, not only is the Doctor in blue, and not only is he not wearing a tie, but the maroon collared shirt he has under his suit jacket actually has a faint red pinstripe, making it perfect for determining happy primes. This is my personal favorite blue suit combination.
In Human Nature and The Family of Blood, we get a bit of a break from the Doctor in order to see the style of one John Smith
I wonder if Mr. Smith and the Doctor would get along?
For Blink, the Doctor's sporting the brown tie with blue swirls, last seen in The Girl in the Fireplace, and the most important accessory in a man's wardrobe. That's right, a stuff-dinging, egg-boiling, fully-functional Timey-Wimey Detector.
Once the Doctor's timeline's met up with Sally Sparrow's, he's back in the Tooth and Claw classic.
(I know that's actually from Tooth and Claw and not Blink,but cut me a little slack, its hard to find a good shot of this outfit in Blink.)
In Utopia, the Doctor's still in brown and wearing the blue square tie. Getting a lot of mileage out of that one. At least he's shaking things up with the addition of a greenish-blue shirt.
For The Sound of Drums and Last of the Time Lords, the Doctor proves that age (well, outward age anyway) is no reason to not look your best.
You've got to be a real man to wear a tie with flowers on it and still be able to save the world from a renegade member of your own species commanding humanity-in-a-can.
And an even real-er man to do it when you've been artificially aged a few hundred years
And finally, after all that's done, our dear Doctor is cooling off a bit with a nice mellow maroon shirt accompanied by that maroon tie from Daleks in Manhattan. At least one good thing came out of that one.