Amy Pond Halloween Costume

Sep 15, 2010 18:28

So, after thoroughly stalking this community for a few weeks, I made a livejournal account, joined it, and now I'm posting. Cause I figured you guys could help me out with my Amy Pond Halloween costume.

I'm a 15 year old girl and a recent convert to the world of Doctor Who, recent meaning about one and a half months ago and convert meaning I've watched almost all the episodes of the 5 recent series since then. And now I'm moving onto some of the older doctors. Anyways, I shall stop blabbering. I'm making myself an Amy Pond costume for Halloween. I was going to be eleven but 1, I've been a male or the past oh, 3 Halloweens, and 2, I already have a lot of the resources for an Amy costume.

I own blue high top Converse. I figured I'd just wear some black socks, easily obtained in my house, with black tights. I was gonna find a black skirt from a thrift store or borrow one from my sister, I'm sure she's got one somewhere. I'd wear one of my mom's or my sister's watches, they're close enough to the actual thing and no one in my American neighborhood is even going to know who I am, let alone care if I'm wearing the right watch. The point is, I'm fifteen years old, I'd kind of like to keep it cheap.

The problems are the sweatshirt and the wig. I know about the American Apparel sweatshirt but I was wondering if anyone knew a slightly cheaper option. Also, a place to get an affordable wig would be lovely. It would be doubly lovely if these places will ship to someplace in the U.S. at a low price. So if anyone knows of a wig or sweatshirt I would appreciate the help. I'd be willing to pay $30 tops for each object, preferably around $20 if at all possible. Like I said, I'd like to keep it cheap considering I'll probably never wear it again.

So if anyone could help that would be wonderful. Also, if you have any suggestions or notice a discrepancy in my description please, let me know. Thanks so much!

wig, accessories, amy pond

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