The ball is temporarily back up in the air again.
New Who A
First place
saraangel Second place
00mina Third place
nilhuanwen Mod's choice
10_rose New Who B
First place
00mina Second place
dongpeiyen1000 Third place
mad_jaks Mod's Choice
the_lucky_stars Classic Who A
First place
00mina Second place
crazypandabear Third place
mad_jaks Mod's Choice
immortalje Classic Who B
First place
00mina Second place
crazypandabear Third place
picturesayings Mod's choice
lachatdelarue Various
First place
nilhuanwen Second place
00mina Third place
dongpeiyen1000 Mod's choice
peace_bloom The voting breakdown goes like this:
Each vote rank is worth a number of points.
1 is 3 points, 2 is 2 points, and 3 is 1 point.
There were 26 voters, with a possible 156 points per round.
3 - saraangel (32)
9 - 00mina (23)
14 - nilhuanwen (21)
1 - peace_bloom (19)
5 - 10_rose (10) * MC
8 - crazypandabear (9)
4 - autumnjoy (8)
2 - mad_jaks (6)
10 - dongpeiyen1000 (6)
7 - lachatdelarue (5)
13 - amazingchi (5)
16 - immortalje (5)
6 - lorien_79 (4)
11 - casett (2)
15 - picturesayings (1)
12 - drop_down_dead (0)
9 - 00mina (37)
1 - dongpeiyen1000 (16)
4 - mad_jaks (15)
6 - the_lucky_stars (13)
5 - drop_down_dead (12)
3 - immortalje (9)
14 - lorien_79 (9) * MC
7 - crazypandabear (8)
11 - casett (7)
12 - autumnjoy (7)
8 - nilhuanwen (6)
10 - peace_bloom (5)
13 - 10_rose (5)
2 - lachatdelarue (4)
15 - picturesayings (3)
2 - 00mina (60)
7 - crazypandabear (31)
5 - mad_jaks (22)
1 - immortalje (13) * MC
8 - lorien_79 (12)
3 - 10_rose (10)
4 - casett (6)
6 - lachatdelarue (2)
4 - 00mina (38)
2 - crazypandabear (30)
5 - picturesayings (26)
7 - 10_rose (17)
1 - peace_bloom (13)
8 - lachatdelarue (11) * MC
10 - casett (8)
6 - mad_jaks (6)
9 - immortalje (6)
3 - lorien_79 (1)
5 - nilhuanwen (44)
7 - 00mina (30)
4 - dongpeiyen1000 (28)
1 - lachatdelarue (15)
8 - peace_bloom (11) * MC
2 - shimmerdream (10)
3 - mad_jaks (9)
6 - lorien_79 (9)
All winning icons will be placed in the Hall of Fame soon!
If you wish to snag any for your own collection, please remember to credit accordingly.
Congratulations to all!