My Dynastic Line...

Jan 03, 2006 19:57

Name: Jenee

Nicknames: Jen, Jenchan, JenJen, Jenners, Dark Angel

Age: 18 (19 in one month wooooooo!!!! xD)


Likes: Drawing, writing, reading, threathening people with becoming Demon Jen, Lucifer, or shooting you with my optic blasts, xD Um I likez listening to music (mainly rock but some techno at times xD), Alexisonfire, Kat Manx, my love Emily <3 (you ppl come near her and blow your freaking head off), chatting, staying up late, my pillow <3, doing surveys, liberals, and other crap....xD

Dislikes: roaches, my stooped car breaking down, homophobes, my internet being on crack, not talking to my Emchan, homework, people all up in my business, stooped people, ok fine ppl in general, conservatives, etc.

Hobbies: drawing, making icons, obsessing, listening to music, writing, reading, huggling my pillow, chatting, huggling Emily, getting distracted by thoughts of Kat, lurking around websites, doing surveys for rating communities, staring at my desktop background, passing out at 12 am and waking up 15 min later....

Talents: drawing, obsessing, getting ideas for my fic really quick....are those talents? I dunno...oh well...

Weaknesses: -__- I can be stubborn at times, I get lazy like all the time, I get distracted easily, girls...>_> *cackles*, I have a bad temper ^__^

Strengths: glib sense of humor :D, empathy, creative mind, artistic, calm, modest, um...I think thats it *shrugs*

Goals: To conquer the world and kidnap Emily >_>.......hehehe...ok, its to graduate from college and become an animator

Introverted or extroverted: extroverted around people I know and friends, but introverted the rest of the time. I'm a big loner :D

Optimistic or Pessimistic: Optimistic

Mature or immature: Mature

Leader or follower: Both, I follow when I feel like it and lead when it need be

Brains or brawn: I'm known to have both, but if you are to put it into battle I think I bit more brains then brawn is best

Favorite animal: Cats! w00t!
Favorite color: Black (it owns you all >D)
Favorite weapon: D: I like swords, but I always wanted to fight with some claws cuz they remind me of Wolverine xD

Favorite kingdom:Wei

Pick one to three favorite characters, explain why you like them: Zhang He!!!! I luff Zhang He! xDDD I like him cuz he's like teh best and so funny. I love that ending he had, Dance 'Til Dawn, and he is like so gay. I luff characters like that, plus he fights with claws! :o Zhang He owns you all! >D

Anything else you want us to know? Um...when I talk to people online I seem very violent and EVIL >D hehehe, but I'm like calm and reserved most of the time. Im actually a very nice person but when you get me pissed off you better move out of my way. I'm known to be a good friend and a lot of my friends always turn to me for advice or if they ever need to talk to someone. Um..I think thats it for now. xD


Here is Jenchan! xDDD

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