New comer HatakeIruka here. I've been into DW for a few monthes now and this seemed like a fun idea.
I leave my title in all of your hands.
Name: Ariel
Nicknames: Iruka, Hakkai, Yuki, Lina
Age: 18
Gender: female
Likes: Foxes, anime, manga, video games, reading, writing, drawing, and The Beatles
Dislikes: People who have closed minds instead of closed mouthes, rap
Hobbies: Reading, writing, drawing, making wallpapers and icons, messing around with HTML, playing Video Games (currently DW5:Empires)
Talents: Writing, photoshop, swimming, puzzle solving, just things like that ^^
Weaknesses: Emotionally Biased, insecure (when it comes to relationships)
Strengths: (From what others have said about me:) bold, confident, proud, warm, accepting, cheerful, clever, dependable, energetic, friendly, intelligent, kind, loving, powerful, responsive, self-assertive, sentimental, spontaneous, trustworthy, and witty
I want to be the very best, Like no one ever was! Wait, wrong thing. Anyways, my goals in life, well, finish school, open up my own business (hopefully a dubbing studio), finish reading Rot3K and someday own a german shepherd as silly as it sounds ^-^;
Introverted or extroverted: Extroverted (usually)
Optimistic or Pessimistic: Optimistic
Mature or immature: Mature
Leader or follower: Leader ((oh GOD leader ><))
Brains or brawn: Brain
Favorite animal: Fox
Favorite color: Royal Purple
Favorite weapon: staves of sorts
Favorite kingdom: Shu
Pick one to three favorite characters, explain why you like them:
Zhuge Liang-His amazing intellect, his cool exterior, how he thinks things through, I love him ^^
Jiang Wei-His strength through bad times, his ability to watch and almost instantainously understand. He's just...awesome ^-^ rawr
Ma Chao-I love his passion, and his sense of justice. It's extrondinary, and he also has a damn awesome fashion sense XD
Anything else you want us to know?