Name: Ashley
Nicknames: Ash, Franky
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Likes: I love drawing, writing, and doing karaoke. A lot. I'm singing right now as I type this! I also like chocolate, fire, swords, hiding away in my room to play games for hours. Sometimes that gets really bad. For example, I've played Dynasty Warriors 4: Empires for 11 hours straight. No one could use the TV all day. Hehe...
Dislikes: Horrible grammar/spelling (I try not to be a grammar nazi, though) and people that think they know everything. I loathe--and am afraid of--butterflies, clowns, and moths.
Hobbies: My hobbies are basically my likes; drawing, writing, singing, PS2. I love spending time with my best friend, too.
Talents: I wouldn't call them talents, but people tend to like my drawings and stories. Some people--...usually guys--like my voice (singing).
Weaknesses: Everyone and everything I love; my family and close friends. Though I sadly don't show my love too often.
Strengths: I can keep my cool even as people are insulting/criticizing me like crazy. Does that count? ^_^;
Goals: Pass highschool with flying colors, then head off to college. :) (Hopefully get into tourism)
Introverted or extroverted: Extroverted..
Optimistic or Pessimistic: ... Normally pessimistic. It depends on the situation, though. :/
Mature or immature: Most of the time I'm mature around adults, but once I'm around good friends... Good god, watch out.
Leader or follower: I'd love to be considered a follower, but I usually get put in charge of things (school?).
Brains or brawn: Brains, unless I'm playing a game. (Dyansty Warriors? Kingdom Hearts? CHARGE!!)
Favorite animal: Polar bears~!
Favorite color: Orange.
Favorite weapon: I have a strange obsession with swords and hunting guns. (When I say strange, I mean fangirling over swords)
Favorite kingdom: Wu. ... I admit, I'm a sucker for pretty boys. *sigh* (I forgot to fill this one thing out when I originally posted this!)
Pick one to three favorite characters, explain why you like them: I've always loved Zhou Yu and Xu Huang. Zhou Yu's got just the right size of blade that it doesn't slow him down (and it's pretty). Through my eyes, he's one of those beautiful men that despises dirtying their hands, even if their a great warrior--and will kick your ass if you piss him off. Xu Huang ... I'm not sure why I like him. The battle axe drew me to playing him, and he became my second choice in officers. (Zhou Yu was first)
Anything else you want us to know? I'm one of the calmest hyperactive people you will encounter. :D