Having only recently discovered your fascinating journal, I was saddened to see the events that led to your departure. I would like to be added to your freindslist so that I may continue to gaze upon the unique and intricate thread that you weave here. Though I rarely update my own journal(and it isn't nearly as compelling as your updates anyhow), it should be noted that my activity on LJ is more prominently seen through my comments on journals such as yours. You may have already noticed my commenting on some o your journals, and I can promise this sort of feedback in the future so long as you continue to make such compelling and thought-provoking posts, and of course allow me to read them.
So gut, dass du nicht LJ verlässt. Madame wartet übrigens noch auf ihre Perücke, die schickt ihr nämlich der Fachhandel. *seufz* Achja: Wäre toll, wenn ich noch in den Genuss deiner NWSF-Einträge kommen kann.
Hoffe du hattest schöne Weihnachten und ein frohes neues Jahr. Rock on, Mr. Badger!
(meaning gear eagle, of course. I needed that laugh, for I have wept ceaselessly since dwaleberry went friends only, as there is no where else on the internet where I can find philosophical musings, anime pr0n and funny animal pictures.)
And so it goesdanthesereneJanuary 15 2009, 22:44:52 UTC
Some of your stuff I found interesting, other stuff not so much. I was one of your more frequent commentators, but I don't think you ever commented in my journal. I hope that those that remain will be up to your standards.
Comments 32
Thank you.
Hoffe du hattest schöne Weihnachten und ein frohes neues Jahr. Rock on, Mr. Badger!
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