American Idol kicked ass tonight, but sob. I'm still sad.
Anthony's children are mine. Ugh, Simon bothers me sometimes. Carrie did awesome. Big hair was kind of weird, but she was hot. Sometime I love Simon.
Scott, Scott, Scott, SCOTT. Never sing a Mariah song okay? Kay. [[ um, but now that I read Hope's entry, I now realize that he might've been doing Phil Collins, lmao ]] His performance was good though, I just didn't like the vocals. *dreamy sigh* I want my husband to have Bo's voice. I love him, end of story. Y'all know how much I love the guitar too, that was sweet. I loved everything about Bo's performance. Um...are we positive that Paula and Simon aren't dating?
Nikko should be somebody's pimp daddy, rofl. I didn't like the song though, kind of bored me. Best performance by Vonzell that I've seen so far.
I started hyperventilating when I heard the name of the song that Constantine would be singing. I mean, who in their right mind would sing The Partridge Family on American Idol? Surprisingly, though, he did well. Bravo. Go Nadia with the mohawk, rofl. Despite how much I love Nadia, this was one of her more boring performances.
Mikalah started out shaky, but she pulled it through towards the end. I will cry tomorrow if she leaves. I love Anwar, he rocks my socks. I can swear that it's going to be him & Carrie in the end.
Sob. Jessica did great. I'm thinking I don't hate her anymore.
My predictions for elimination: *bleeds emo tears* Mikalah. Tomorrow is going to be the most depressing day of my life.
On a happier note, it looks like I'll be able to go see Diana in April. gkja;sfjd
I heart this song :'(