For so many of us, the adventures had between the Tenth Doctor and his companion Donna Noble are among the most dear in our fan hearts. When thinking back on series four, I've always felt like there could be so much more story told before their song ends, specifically after the events that happened in the Library and before they land on the planet Midnight.
So why can't there be more? Why not have a virtual series written by fans for fans?
We are looking for writers interested in writing 'ficisodes' to create what we like to call Series 4 and ¾. Each ficisode will be at least 5,000 words, and will take place in the time after 4.09 'Forest of the Dead' and before 4.10 'Midnight.' All stories MUST remain absolutely canon compliant to series 4, ie no Doctor/Donna shipping, no meeting Jack before Donna meets Jack in 4.12, etc. Writers will be able to list which sort of episode they would like to write from our list below of intended episodes. The two-part episodes will be co-written by two users.
We will keep this post open for authors to sign up until Sunday, February 28. Writing assignments will be given no later than March 5.
All ficisodes will be due no later than Sunday, May 9, 2010. During the following two weeks, authors will work with their director and the head writer to ensure series continuity, and to potentially add any cues and clues about the series-long secret plot thread (think Bad Wolf, Torchwood, YANA/the Master, knocking four times) into the ficisodes that are produced.
Here is the ficisode list that we have come up with:
Series 4 and ¾
1. Present Day London/UK
2. Near Future (in the range of 5-15 years)
3. Alien Planet
4. Companion-light
5. two-parter - reintroduction of Classic Who Alien/Adversary
6. two-parter - reintroduction of Classic Who Alien/Adversary
7. Historical and/or Famous Person
8. Distant Future
9. Scary
10. Present Day - NOT London/UK
11. Doctor-light
12. finale two-parter, Historical/Famous Person
13. finale two-parter, Historical/Famous Person
If you would like to write a 5k-word ficisode for our Series 4 and ¾, please comment with the following information:
Links to writing:Name: Email: Can you be reliably reached by LJ PMs?: If assigned to a two-parter, you realize that you will be working with a co-author?: Yes/No/NA didn't choose that as a preference
Top five choices for episodes: 1.
(All comments will be screened.)
Seeing as this is the first time we are trying this, we have no idea how much interest there will be in writing ficisodes. We will try to involve as many authors as we can, but if we have more authors than ficisodes, we may have to ask volunteers if they would be willing to beta or be trial audience members later in the project.
Writers selected will need to join and participate in the community
dwhoproduction where we will be doing all the behind-the-scenes production work for Series 4 and 3/4. Writers will be notified of their assignments by March 7th.
We have compiled a list of FAQs, which you can read
right here. NOTE: This is a project inspired by a similar ficathon initiated at the community