My own personal mood theme from the new series that I just finished and thought I would share.
To use it, upload the pictures to your choice of picture online accounts, like photobucket or whatnot, and use this format at the end of your entries...
And it looks like this...
Music: On My Own from Les Miserables
EDIT: Thanks to the lovely
phoenixphire for uploading all of the pictures into a zipped file you can get
here! accomplished adventurous aggravated
amazed amused angry
annoyed anxious apathetic
artistic awake blah
blank bored bouncy
busy calm cheerful
chipper cocky cold
complacent confused contemplative
content cranky crazy
creative crushed curious
cynical depressed determined
devious disappointed discontent
distressed ditzy drained
drunk ecstatic embarrassed
energetic enraged enthralled
envious exanimate excited
exhausted flirty frustrated
geeky giddy giggly
gloomy good grateful
happy high hopeful
hot hungry hyper
impressed indescribable indifferent
infuriated intimidated irate
irritated jubilant lazy
lonely loved melancholy
mellow mischievous moody
morose nerdy nervous
nostalgic numb okay
optimistic peaceful pensive
pleased predatory productive
pushed refreshed rejected
rejuvenated relaxed relieved
reminisce restless rude
rushed sad satisfied
scared shocked sick
silly sleepy smart
sore stressed surprised
sympathetic thankful thirsty
thoughtful tired touched
uncomfortable weird working
Created with
Icon Table Generator @
Bauble Not happy with sore or restless or stressed but oh well. I just had to use those pictures. :)
Additional moods not in lj mood themes: adventurous, cocky, pushed, reminisce, rude, smart
DO NOT HOTLINK! I will move all of these to a different folder if that happens.
Pictures are from
Adventures in Time and Space and
Chaotic Creative. They span Children in Need Special, Christmas Invasion, and episodes through to The Idiot's Lantern.