Title: The end of all things
Word count: Just over 100 *guilty look*
Challenge: Um... The long-ago "Chrestomanci" one (I'm new here!) But you could say it's "favourite characters," too.
Rating: G
Note: Also included in the price is a free crossover with.... Well, you'll see.
Two small figures crawled up the fiery mountain. They were almost spent, and..
"Oh," one gasped. "The weight… It's… gone."
"Yes," said a man, tall and dark.
The hobbits cowered. "Are you Sauron?"
The man blinked. "That upstart in the unpleasantly-decorated tower? Quite weak, as Dark Lords go? No, I dealt with him."
"You had no right!" Sam protested. "Mr Frodo's suffered horribly to save the world."
"Then why didn't you call me?" The man sighed. "Armies rampaging everywhere. Doom and despair… Dear me. What a mess worlds get into when they try to do things themselves."
His dressing-gown swirled as he left them there, gaping.
Shameless plug: I have just posted a completed, rather longer, Chrestomanci story to my own journal, which also deals with Chrestomanci tangling with a Dark Lord. I love Dark Lords, and I love Chrestomanci, and DWJ is responsible for both addictions.