it's been a long time and even though i was able to leave my chow chows at my parents when i moved out and got to see them regularly, i really haven't had the constant companionship in nearly 16 years. although i would love to get another chow or even a rott, i am limited by size constraints dictated by the management where i live. although i have owned chihuahuas in the past, i tend to like larger dogs, because i am less likely to injure them while rough housing. the rule here is a limit of 20 pounds at full growth. granted, there are people that have much larger dogs, they just don't get caught.
so, i figured, fuck it, if they can do it, why can't i? so, i begin checking out chows online. as i was looking about, i ran across these cute lil guys....
the shiba inu they run 15 to 20 pounds or so, with the bitch at the lower edge of that spectrum. their temperament runs about the same as the chow, which works perfectly for me. actually, they are much like me. :x they are japanese, as opposed to chinese, but they are still a very old breed. 1 of the original dogs in fact. now i just need to find a local breeder with an available litter and at least 1 bitch in that litter. the female of the species is so much easier to get along with. i'll just have to be sure to get her feminine pads. thankfully, they only go into heat 2 to 3 times a year....
oh yes, she will be mine.