Polls! Polls! Polls!

Jul 10, 2012 15:35

Since we want this community and re-watch experience to cater to as many people as possible, we have some polls so that we can gauge what will work best for the community and adjust accordingly. So please, fill out the polls and if you want to clarify or expand on your answer or if you have any other feedback or concerns, please leave a comment!

How does everyone feel about the Saturday/Wednesday discussion post schedule? As of right now, this is the schedule that we think would be best. It will give people time to watch and catch up without being so slow that people lose interest.

Are you interested in a Tumblr mirror? We know that fandom has migrated to tumblr and people don't check their LJ friends lists as often. So, we were thinking of creating a tumblr where we could posts links back to the discussion posts on LJ. That way people who are more active on tumblr could follow that blog and they'd see the links pop up on their dash and remember that a discussion post is going up. Would this be useful to you?

Are you interested in doing Classic Who serials between New Who seasons? There had been some interest expressed in watching Classic Who, and we thought that doing a Classic Who serial between each New Who series would give those who wanted to watch some Classic Who an opportunity to do so without making those who are new to Classic Who feel overwhelmed.

When series 7 airs, are you interested in discussion posts for those episodes as well? (Obviously with spoilers behind a cut etc.) This started out as a community to rewatch old episodes, but since we'll still be rewatching when series 7 airs, it might be a nice idea to have discussion posts for series 7 as well.

ETA: Also! Just as a fair warning, the mods of this comm are Doctor/Rose shippers and way back when this comm first came into existence millions of years ago, it was specifically a community for Doctor/Rose shippers. But as times change and the fandom moves on, we thought it'd be good to re-open it as a more general community which is what it is now. However, as much of the first two New Who series focus on the Doctor/Rose relationship and since the mods are fans of the ship, there will be discussion questions related to their relationship.


Oh yes, and also, if you want to promote the community I made some terrible AWESOME banners. But uh, if you are more skilled at photoshop and feel like contributing a banner to the cause, that would be fantastic!

poll, mod, feedback

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