Title: Teacher's Back
Date Written: 2/10/08
dwtwprompts prompt: Reunion
Rating: T
Word Count:
Fandom: Torchwood
Characters/Pairings: Team Torchwood, Jack/Ianto
Spoilers: Torchwood S1, Episode 1 of 02
Warnings: None
Author's Notes: Torchwood's back, baby! (okay, so it's been back, but I just got a chance to see 'em)
There were days that Ianto really hated his job.
"So, this is Team Torchwood. The teacher's pets. But Teacher's gone, isn't he? Leaving the kiddie-kids all alone. And look at you, trying so hard to be all grown up: The doctor, with his hands full of blood; the carer, with her oh-so-beating heart; the technician, with her cold devices; which leaves me with the office boy, promoted beyond his measure. All of you, lost without your master. All of you, pretending to be so brave. All of you, so scared!"
The alien laughed and sniffed the blonde hair of his hostage before focusing his attention onto Ianto. Instinctively, maybe even psychically knowing that he'd taken out Gwen and Tosh with his words, that he'd gotten into their heads and completely shut down their reflexes. And with Owen taking care of the man bleeding on the floor, Ianto was the last obstacle.
"So, what about it, minion? Could you do it?"
Yes. He could. If this was a sim, back in the Hub, with Jack watching him and giving him pointers. With Owen teasing him every time he missed the target, and Tosh scolding after the doctor and Gwen patting his shoulder and telling him good job, Yan, did better than last time.
"How good are you? How sharp is your aim?"
Pretty sharp. Do I get a warm-up first?
"What if you kill her? What if I kill her first?"
Quite likely. Jack could take the shot.
"Can you shoot before I do? Can you? Dare you! Would you? Won't you?"
He was just about to pull the trigger, his finger was squeezing. The little metal lever felt so heavy under his finger, his hand shaking, throwing his aim to pot. Here goes nothing.
He blinked, watching the fish's brain explode over the window and dressings, watching the girl run, screaming and crying to her mother. He looked at his gun. Had it gone off accidentally? He didn't remember pulling the trigger. That meant that someone behind him...
He whipped around and there he was. Captain Jack Harkness, the big damn hero, his gun still drawn, looking down at them with that sexy little smirk. He wanted to punch him and kiss him senseless and strangle him and fuck him through the wall.
"Hey kids. D'ya miss me?"
And then he laughed. The tosser laughed.
Damn. It was so much easier to hate Jack when he wasn't there.