No rain...can't get the rainbow

Oct 29, 2005 05:31

Tagged by kiki_loverboy

Step One: Pick 5 Jrockers you would want to date.
Step Two: Post their pictures/info in order
[This tag is based soley on looks alone!]

1. Toshiya (Dir en grey - bassist)
---> there's no one i'd be more willing to date~ 83

2. Ryutarou (Plastic Tree - vocalist)
---> i like ryutarou's expressions and his voice is so soothing! (ok..that's not really the point ==;)

3. Sakito (Nightmare - guitarist)
---> Oh yea!! Mr. suck_it~ XD [for those of you that don't know: "suck_it" is his blog name]

4. Nao (Kagrra, - bassist)
---> he's one attractive DORK~ XD

5. Hyde (L'Arc~en~Ciel - vocalist)
---> and of course...Mr HYDE!! (^^)

I like it when jrockers wear glasses :3

------------------- s(*v*)9 --------------------
Today I bought:

Dir en grey - Blitz 5 Days DVD
---> It's not the real box set, but a chinese bootleg (==;) But STILL!! I finally get to watch the whole concert!

Kagrra, - Sara - Natsukashi no Rakuen - at 2005.4.14 Shibuya AX - 1st Press DVD
---> This isn't a bootleg, it's actually the real thing imported straight from Japan!! Therefore, it costed like 15610650156Baht and now I'm very broke....but that's okay! It was a good concert~ with a little glimpse of backstage Alicenine (for like 5seconds ^^;)

------------------- (O.O;) --------------------
Random picture of little kiddies on the school playground~ 83

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