Jun 21, 2011 13:43

2o not even a week iin and ii'm already u2iing thii2 dumb thiing agaiin.

not that ii'm offeriing or anything, but iif there'2 anyone that'2 ju2t beggiing two have a viiru2 2ent two them let me know.

[filtered to jade harley]
where do you liive.

!sortinghat, +mami k tomoe, !ic, +kanaya maryam, common niceties, so is the mun, hello there summer, bored as fuck

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Comments 40

witchafterall June 24 2011, 00:29:15 UTC
And why would anyone need a virus sent to them?


dyadiic June 24 2011, 16:42:53 UTC
becau2e they're iidiiot2 that de2erve iit?


witchafterall June 24 2011, 16:47:57 UTC
That seems a bit cruel.


dyadiic June 24 2011, 16:49:24 UTC
nahh, it'2 doiing ju2tiice or whatever.
but that 2ound2 2tupiid.


vampauxiliatrix June 28 2011, 06:03:21 UTC
A Virus
Why Would You Breed Small Infectious Agents That Replicate Inside The Living Cells Of Organisms And Why Would You Dispatch Them To Someone Else
Are You Trying To Engage In The Sort Of Biological Warfare That Is More Commonly Employed By Muggles


1/2 dyadiic June 30 2011, 02:08:24 UTC
pureblood2 know biiology ii2 a thiing that exii2t2??
granted you're totally wrong on the 2iituatiional a2pect of thii2, but 2tiill,
ii am both 2urprii2ed and iimpre22ed.


dyadiic June 30 2011, 02:10:44 UTC
no biiologiical warefare, only computer warfare.
not that that would mean anythiing two you eiither.


vampauxiliatrix June 30 2011, 04:16:09 UTC
Why Thank You Sollux
I Strive To Impress You With Every Word I Create In These Pages Even Going As Far As Writing With Perfect Calligraphy And Using The Most Attractive Shade Of Green I Can Get My Prehensile Appendages On

Yes I Am Well Aware Of Biology And Its Apparent Existence
Ive Read A Small Number Of Books On This Subject That I Found On The Muggle Library Closest To My Residence And It Piqued My Curiosity

To Be Completely Honest I Do Not Understand How The Same Principle Would Apply To Computers
I Have Very Basic Knowledge About Muggle Technology Thanks To The Books I Have Already Mentioned But I Cant Say I Understand This Computer Warfare You Speak Of


OH GOD THIS IS SO LATE I'M SORRY we can backdate like bajeezus wonderderp July 31 2011, 16:39:55 UTC
ummm i live in north ronaldsay!!
it is the northernmost of the orkney islands in scotland :)


HAHA it's fine!! dyadiic July 31 2011, 16:53:40 UTC
holy 2hiit ok, there goe2 that plan.
nevermiind then.


<3 ugh my life is so full of busies wonderderp July 31 2011, 16:55:16 UTC
did you want to come visit?
because we can bring you up and take you back home after if you want!! :)


*-* seriously don't worry about it dyadiic July 31 2011, 16:59:55 UTC
that 2eem2 kiind of liike really goiing out of your way two do that.
al2o not "vii2iit", but more liike make a nece22ary bu2iine22 triip.


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