haha i think its interesting that one year ago i thought i couldnt love her more, and that i would never stop caring, and now i cant imagine hating her more.
anyways, i unnno, dont feel like updating, to much to update.
This is the reason, that I deleted everyone else off my friends list. Whoever anonymous was that posted in Melissas journal, i will hack your computer when i get your IP adress, and all i have to say is i thought you were my friend, and you lied, so fuck you.
Cait, Cait, Alex, Sasha The only people left on my friends list.
alright, practice went alright compared to a few times ago. Beginning kinda sucked and we got beat, but then we all got in our modes and the other teams got MOWED down. we played against a couple sponsored teams and some rich kids, also dominated the walkons. Good job you guys, keep it up.