slip your life a little from me

Oct 23, 2005 11:28

so on friday i had burrit && andria over, && katie came with danielle to pick us up to go see Rhino, Michael, Ben, && Bob play at VFW. a lot of Hersey people showed up, well mostly girls haha. but it was a good show. we kinda left when they were done && went to katies house && just talked, it was cute<3. then we went to the hersey game, last football game, which i don't know if they won or not? but yeah it was cold so i don't know it was alright.

saturday  i went to hard's casa with maggggggs. we were supposed to rake leaves, try we went to BK && saw like dan kelley && people it was so funny just looking at those kids. then we went to like best buy, && stuff. maggs lost her phone then we found it, it was amazing. we went back to hard's house && didn't do much. lazz came over. then we picked up dew && pam. went to rosies && decorated for rosie's surprise birthday. so im rounding up like 3 kids, so there was like 40 kids there. it was so much fun. i miss a lot of those girls<333.

today im waiting for alex k to come pick me up for woodfield && to get burrit from work. might meet up with like rhino && ben there too. it should be fun. yup yup.

hard turns 16 this friday<333. we get out at like 12:45 from school. then going to VFW at night.

i miss christopher michael houston. asdfghjkl;  maybe if i didnt live in arlington heights it would be easiar to see that boy.
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