Title: Absolve Pairing: A/B/A Rating: G Notes: Ah, see my love for Tolkien's gods. Man, it's been a long time. Nothing better than finding finished fic on your hard drive. Enjoy!
That was lovely. I'm not sure the Postal Service quote at the end fits, but can't decide if that's because of my familiarity with the song, or if there's an actual problem with it. Er, if that makes sense. Anyway, I liked it.
Yeah, I kinda agree with you. I was listening to the song while writing the ficlet, and while it sums up my attitude towards Arwen/Boromir/Aragorn, it doesn't quite fit the story. I think I'll leave it there though. Because I'm totally lazy like that.
Comments 6
...your icon instills great fear in my heart. Or possibly lust.
*glomp* Thank you for your feedback!
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