}}The Written Portion{{
Name: Tara Sargent
Age: 21
Location: Australia
Sexual Orientation: Bi curious Lesbian ;)
Political Affiliation: none
Education: Cert III in Music Industry Skills
Favorite Musical Groups/Artists: AFI, Tool, Funeral For A Friend, Hole, Less Than Jake, Ani DiFranco, My Chemical Romance, The Used, Finch
Favorite Books/Publications: My Sisters Keeper
Favorite Fine/Contemporary Artists: Dali
Favorite Movies/Plays/Musicals: Mulholland Drive, The Notebook, can think of anymore...
Favorite Museum/Theatre/Arts Centre/Etc: none
Favorite Politician/Activist/Writer: Ani DiFranco
Favorite City/Place: Byron Bay
Your beliefs or comments (keep it brief and to the point)
Abortion Laws: Pro choice
Feminism: Equal rights, thats all it comes down to, for EVERYONE.
Marriage Laws: See above
Alternative Parenting: Children need a strong, close female and male role in their life, regardless.
Higher Education: Pro choice
Share your favorite quote: "I suggest we learn to love ourselves before it's made illegal" - Incubus
Ask a thought provoking question: Who are you?
Now answer it: Whoever you want me to be.
Finally, why do you belong here? Because I want to be here.
What would you bring to this community? Interesting topical conversation and quirky, smart comments
Put a banner/link in your info. Then promote in *three different places* Please respect LJ's TOS!!! List your links below. LINKS WILL BE CHECKED :)
Userinfo: disintegration6
1. 3-5 pictures of yourself
http://cdn-53.cdn.buzznet.com/assets/users4/tara84/default/Rah--large-msg-1100945898-2.jpg2. 1 picture of someone you love
3. 1 picture of visual art that you find breathtaking