Title: With A Little Help From My Friends - 17
dylan_dufresne Pairing: BB/DM
Rating: R
Summary: Sightseeing, new experiences, and a variety of surprises.
Feedback: Would be greatly appreciated as it’s my drug of choice. Many thanks to my beta,
frojaneSpecial Thanks: To
loki_girl for the exquisite banner that she has created, and to
tarnishedhalo for loaning me her inspirational
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Comments 10
I laughed at the 'snogging in the elevator' scene - as soon as I read that, Aerosmith's Love in an Elevator started playing in my head. I'm still struck by how different things are across the pond. What they've done in London - the picnic in the park, the elevator shag, the cuddling in the restaurant - at a minimum, they'd be frowned on here in the States. There, it's almost as if it's expected. Quite a contrast.
I'm glad to see Billy letting Dom have more control over things, like paying for their Italian dinner. I can understand why he wants to give Dom so much, but Dom needs that freedom, especially after having had so little for so long. Money has been an issue for Dom for some time, and Billy isn't helping by insisting on paying for practically everything...good intentions aside.
And on we go - I admit, I have no self-control whatsoever. I don't think I could space these chapters out if I tried...the writing is THAT good.
If only love, in all it's forms, was accepted around the world. And yes, Billy is slowly releasing the need to keep Dom wrapped up in a protective blanket. He knows Dom needs to spread his wings, and he's trying not to get in the way of that. It's a challenge for him.
*blushes deeply* Thank you. I'm happy you're enjoying. And I rather like your lack of self-control. :)
You're very welcome, and thank you. I'm pleased you're enjoying.
“If you insist on paying me back, I won’t stop you, but I feel the need to advise you that the only currency accepted will be kisses.”
I know billy was just joking and didn't mean that, but that triggered a little reaction for me. That's part of dom's trouble, confusing sex with obligation. I'm glad Billy let Dom pay for their dinner. It gives them better balance, something Dom obviously needs.
Thank you. :)
“Three hundred and sixteen,” Dom corrects. “Built around 1859, but the bells weren’t broadcast until New Year’s Eve in 1923.”
“Ben looks pretty good, considering he’s over a hundred years old,” Billy comments, smiling when Dom chuckles.
“The clock mechanism weighs almost five tons,” Dom reports, gazing up at the structure. “The entire tower weighs over thirteen tons.”
Hm, wouldn't Dom's guide book have made a point of saying that Big Ben is the name of the bell, not the Clock Tower itself?
And, um, why are names like the Eye in italics?
As for the italics, that's how I decided to make note of the places they visited. Personal choice.
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