Title: With A Little Help From My Friends - 29/47
dylan_dufresne Pairing: BB/DM
Rating: R, maybe.
Summary: Reaching out in a crisis, truth and consequences, and being open to the possibility of new experiences.
Feedback: Would be greatly appreciated as it’s my drug of choice. Many thanks to my beta,
Special Thanks: To
loki_girl for the exquisite banner that
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Comments 12
And hee! Yeah, Orli cracks me up. Thank you :)
Thank you very much. :)
“What, you think my hair is naturally this fabulous?” Now THAT sounds like Orlando - with a bit of Legolas thrown in for good measure. I laugh every time I think of the scene where Legolas jumps off of the war beast's trunk and lands on the ground, then swishes his head around like someone in a Clairol commercial. You can almost hear him say, "Because I'm worth it!". It's hilarious.
:::giggle::: I had to throw some Elfboy in there, and I'm pleased you enjoyed. A Clairol commercial. :::snickers:::
Thank you.
you had me quite scared that there would be angst starting now.
also? check out me making with the quote thing...
“Can I hug you?” Orlando says, almost sheepishly. “I don’t know why, but I have this urge to, well, hug you.”
awww! just... *squishes*
“What, you think my hair is naturally this fabulous?” Orlando retorts, and then blushes when Dom bursts out laughing. “Okay, that came out way more nancy boy than I intended,” he adds as he shakes his head. “Bloody hell.”
“Well, you do have very nice hair,” Dom tells him, trying hard to hide his amusement.
snerk! it is true though the boy has some damn fine hair.
(i so need to make an orli 'damn fine hair' icon now.
The angst? It's coming. Don't wish it sooner, hon.
Squishy hugs for Orlando! Hee. I rather adore him. And I want to see that icon! :::giggles:::
Thank you :)
But I just have to mention, you may want to chage "bespeckled eyes" to "bespectacled eyes".
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