So, I've rediscovered the joy to be found in fighting. Even though it was low-speed, low-strength form work, essentially, it was still amongst the most fun I've had since I quit Judo. And fairly painful - I have a few rather large bruises on my upper body, and my right leg is basically nothing but a bruise, but it was great. The only thing I find disappointing is the fact that it wasn't as much of a workout as I was hoping it'd other words, I haven't slipped as much as I thought I had, so it wasn't challenging. I still have my strength, most of my speed, my quickness, and my muscle...just all of that under a layer or three of fat. So, I'm working harder than I ever have before to get RID of that fat, and gain back the shape I was in back when I was at my prime in Judo, and then go beyond that to be a better shape than I ever was before. And it's going to take a while, but I can do it...and the pain, the tension, the's amazing. I'm awake! I'm alert! I'm in pain, but I'm awake and alert! And resting afterwards...never has sitting down felt so good.
I'm going to be meeting up with the guy I sparred with on Sunday more often, and hopefully frequently, and both of us are going to try bringing other people into it with me. Every night I do my routine of stretches, pushups, situps, crunches, squats, and a couple of drills I remember from kempo and fencing, and it's beginning to work. I feel stronger than I have been for a while - probably not because I have any more muscle, but because I'm remembering how to use it. And I'm sleeping a hell of a lot better, too.
I don't know why, but when I get past the lethargy and laziness I have in abundance and actually do the whole working out thing, it feels really good. And I'm very much glad I haven't lost much of my fighting skill to rust. Sure, Spivey'd still kick the shit out of me, but when it comes to grappling and swordwork, I've still got it. And, for some reason...I'm more aggressive. Especially with a sword. And it's working for me much better than pure defense ever did - even though my offense is still very very very defensive..if that makes sense. Which it does, to me at least.
Anyway, yeah. Time to finish up my workout with some weights, after I eat my ramen.