I need her, more than ever right now. I need her kind, encouraging words, her contagious radiance, her outright laughter. It has been too long since our last meeting, and it was brief and crowded, at that
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I wasn't throwing it in your face. I was showing someone, who thought you were someone else, who you really were. They automatically assumed that lies were being spread about you. Maybe you should let them know that you are the one who has been deceiving them; you can deceive people by using personality and accomplishment as a mask of righteousness.
I'm simply worried about you, and I think you need all the help you can get. I've seen what happens to the proud when they go down the road you're on. It's when you think you're untouchable and learning a lesson that you crash. You didn't need any lessons; you've known better all along. I'm just here to remind you. Everyone needs a guardian angel. The difference between life and death is how fast your angel can fly.
Dear Carrie's Guardian Angel, 1) Tearing someone down doesn't exactly help them 2) Angels imply godliness. God doesn't say things he is scared to take credit for. You have said things you won't take credit for by signing "anonymous." Therefore, you are not an angel and in turn not godly. 3) Burn. HA! JK. Not really but seriously you should stop saying stupid shit.
Carrie! You are a wonderful, talented, beautiful person who is dedicated to what you love and the people that you share a close friendship with. These people who think one small thing you have done defines you obviously don't know you. You were in a situation you trusted, and even if you weren't who has the right to condemn you? You are human, and you will make mistakes, but so will the person who so openly belittles you. To that person, if you read this, I am sorry that you have to stoop to constantly putting down someone else instead of living your own life. It would be different if you were a friend, offering your advice when it was wanted, in a kind manner. Instead, you are hiding behind the walls of a computer screen because you are too afraid to come out and say what you feel to her face.
Carrie, live your life, love your life, and know your true friends will be here no matter what you do.
Re: *from me*
October 5 2005, 03:36:55 UTC
If you were a true friend, you wouldn't allow her to put herself in such a dangerous situation. No one can say that what went on was responsible; there was nothing responsible about it. Real friends don't only offer wanted advice. Real friends offer needed advice. And I don't hide behind the walls of the computer screen. Angels and heroes have no faces.
Remember: I've seen this road before, and you aren't a special exception to the outcome no matter what you think. I've made mistakes, but not these mistakes.
Your true friends are the ones who liked you before you felt the need to conform. This is the last comment I'll post, because the only thing it is going to attract are these same people who have changed you into someone so careless.
Re: *from me*
October 6 2005, 05:23:20 UTC
Ahhh! Part of growing and maturing is learning from past mistakes. I admit...I have made mistakes in the recent months. I won't say I regret them because regetting gets no one anywhere. I will say that I will never do it again but that is my choice. Carrie is saying she has learned. You obviously know nothing about learning because learning come from experiences from which we form our opinions
( ... )
Has anyone stopped to think that maybe posting comments back and forth is kinda dumb? lol. Ok, she fucked up, she learned, END. Ok, he's trying to make everyone realize that they need not be irresponsible (which they have been, I will not deny) but that doesn't change the past. Just try and look at this to change the future (whatever the fuck that means lol). Carrie can live her life to how she sees fit. If that means drinking til she drowns in alcohol... so be it, but I'm pretty sure she knows what she did was wrong and blah blah blah blah how about everyone shuts up and we can all chill and be friends like we used to be? FUCK HOSTILITY! I need a hug....
Comments 8
I'm simply worried about you, and I think you need all the help you can get. I've seen what happens to the proud when they go down the road you're on. It's when you think you're untouchable and learning a lesson that you crash. You didn't need any lessons; you've known better all along. I'm just here to remind you. Everyone needs a guardian angel. The difference between life and death is how fast your angel can fly.
1) Tearing someone down doesn't exactly help them
2) Angels imply godliness. God doesn't say things he is scared to take credit for. You have said things you won't take credit for by signing "anonymous." Therefore, you are not an angel and in turn not godly.
3) Burn. HA! JK. Not really but seriously you should stop saying stupid shit.
Carrie, live your life, love your life, and know your true friends will be here no matter what you do.
Remember: I've seen this road before, and you aren't a special exception to the outcome no matter what you think. I've made mistakes, but not these mistakes.
Your true friends are the ones who liked you before you felt the need to conform. This is the last comment I'll post, because the only thing it is going to attract are these same people who have changed you into someone so careless.
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