Oct 16, 2005 21:34
Girl 1: Hey, which one should I get? Super glue or Krazy glue? Is there a difference?
Girl 2: Yeah, they're different
Girl 1: *looks at me* Is that true? Which should I get?
Me: Either one, it's the same thing. Krazy glue's just a brand name for super glue.
Girl 1: Oh!
Congratulations John Q. Public, another fine addition to the gene pool.
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Comments 3
I came across a handy page one time that I need to find again. It was a cheat sheet of the various adhesives vs the materials they're best and worst on. Very handy, especially when dealing with 'plastics' of uncertain origin.
Personally, if it's metal-to-metal, I use JB Weld, 2 plastics I use Testors, if it needs to hold forever, 2-part epoxy, and wood or ceramics, Zap-a-gap or Jet-CA (if I can find any). If they'd mentioned it, I might have steered them in a different direction.
You'd have to have been there, but these were two of the furthest things from metal giants I've met lately.
How was my sarcasm? Did it drip enough?
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