And we made it home safely. _Long_ flight, and I was exhausted by the time I made it to Seattle - slept most of the drive home lying down in my parents' backseat (aren't they amazing for driving three hours to drop me off and pick me up?!) - but I wasn't nauseous, and for me, that's saying a lot. I guess maybe you can get used to travel
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Comments 13
It's weird - whenever I finish a vacation, I'm always _so_ glad to be home. By the time the ten days or two weeks or whatever is up, I'm definitely ready to come home. This time? Not so much.
I think that means you're meant to go again.
I'd like to. My uncle has the apartment until August, but he's planning on coming home in June ... I'm actually tempted to try and save enough to go out again over the summer. Except ... well, Egypt in the winter was warm at times. Egypt in the summer? I don't always handle the heat well. (Better now that I've lost weight, though, so it is still a possibility.)
I really did love it there.
I'm...trying to be upbeat and positive about things! Eep eep!
*hugs* I hope this year turns out wonderfully for you.
you know what's funny about your luggage situation? my friend went to dubai last year, and they lost her luggage both ways too. she was also flying out from seattle. how mysterious. i mean, technically it wasn't lost as she got it back... but yeah. it went around the world without her, apparently. ^O^;;
What's not an exaggeration is that PART OF MY PARENT'S ROOF FELL OFF from the snow over Christmas. Honestly ... what is _happening_ here?! *g*
The luggage thing is definitely annoying. I'm just glad I didn't need any of those clothes for work tomorrow - the shirts are too cool (particularly given Vancouver's current weather!) and the pants were really a little too big for me - that's why I brought them, so they'd be appropriately loose-fitting for the culture.
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