[JP/Bobby] After the Battle

Jan 31, 2007 11:15

Title: After the Battle
Fandom: Marvel (X-Men)
Characters: JP/Bobby
Prompt: Fortitude (7_sins_virtues)
Rating: PG
Summary: Jean-Paul visits Bobby in the medlab.
Author's Notes: This scene occurs sometime in the future, assuming that Marvel retcons M-Day, and that the Academy starts running again, and that Jean-Paul gets better, and that he and Bobby have become a couple. So, it's pretty much a not!AU, in a sense.
There was another scene that should have gone in here, but it didn't fit properly. Because of this, it's getting shunted into a ... semi-sequel that will be written later. Joy.

After the Battle

Jean-Paul Beaubier strode into the hospital room and he didn't like what he saw.

Bobby Drake was half-sitting, half-reclining on one of the medical beds looking distracted and rumpled. Normally this would have been cause for lusty acrobatic sex, but the rumpling was because of injury. There were bandages wrapped neatly around his lover's head. This was not good.

Bobby jerked and turned toward the door when he heard it opening. Upon realizing who his visitor was, the sheets clutched in his right hand fell into his lap, forgotten.


Jean-Paul directed a Look of disapproval at the livid bruising that was revealed by the fallen sheet. The mottled mix of red, purple, yellow and blue was spread across his boyfriend's chest like a demented finger painting project.

"You just had to go get yourself thrown over the side of a building by moronic Bible-beating bigots, didn't you?"

Bobby had the good grace to blush and fidget a little.

"It's not like I do this every day, JP. And I'm an X-man. Being beaten up by 'Bible-beating bigots' is what I do best!" After a beat, he added, "Nice work getting your alliterative groove on, by the way."

Jean-Paul rolled his eyes.

"I see that you are finally learning something from your association with Dr. McCoy?"

"Nah, that's just from tutoring my kids in their classes." Bobby waved his arm out with an exaggerated dramatic flair. "A mentor's work is never done!"

"Idiot." Said Jean-Paul, but the man was smiling as he moved towards the bed to brush Bobby's bangs away from his face. "I hate the fact that we can't be on the same team, you know."

"Hey, you're the one who's always getting in Scott's face about equality here! It wouldn't really be fair if we got to skip the 'no significant others as team mates' rule, would it? I mean, think about all the trauma that'd happen! We'd be switching Remy and Rogue back and forth once a week!" Bobby shook a finger at JP, smiling internally. He treasured the rare occasions when he could legitimately embarrass the man. He'd flush just the slightest pink that would move up the back of his neck to the tips of his ears. It made him look amazingly molestable.

Before Bobby could inform his lover of this fact, Jean-Paul cut into the silence by sitting down and coughing softly.

"But we have gone off topic. Why haven't you healed yourself from these injuries? Surely your ice form could...?" He trailed off with an audible question mark hanging in the air between them.

Bobby sighed.

"I would, but I get dizzy when I try to ice up. Hank says I got concussed in just the right way to interfere with my powers." A snort of disdain. "This kind of crap always happens to me."

"Indeed." Jean-Paul raised an eyebrow. "Perhaps we should ask Dr. McCoy to see if chaos is a secondary mutation of yours? Who knows, we could start calling you Scarlet Witch II." He leered. "You'd look amazing in a corset."

Bobby scowled and stuck out his lower lip in response.

And of course Jean-Paul had to kiss that adorable pout off of his lover's face.

Things degenerated from there.

iceman, 7-sins-virtues, au, fic, northstar, x-men, slash

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